Scholarly Publications

Books and Monographs

All publications are peer-reviewed:

  1. “Energy Audit for Building Systems: An Engineering Approach, First Edition”, First Edition, M. Krarti, textbook, CRC Press, 500 pages, published in 2000.

  2. “Energy Audit for Building Systems: An Engineering Approach- Second Edition”, M. Krarti, textbook, CRC Press, 600 pages, 2011.

  3. “Weatherization of Residential Buildings; An Engineering Approach” M. Krarti, book, 400 pages, Taylor and Francis Publishing, 2012.

  4. “Thermo-active Foundations for Sustainable Buildings”, M. Krarti, monograph, 150 pages, ASME Press, 2015.

  5. “Guide technique d'audit Energétique”, M. Krarti and D. Marchio, book, 275 pages, Presses de l'Ecole des Mines, Paris, France, 2016.

  6. “Energy Efficient Building Electrical Systems” M. Krarti, textbook, 494 pages, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2017.

  7. “Advanced Energy Efficient Building Envelope Systems”, M. Krarti, Monograph, 165 pages, ASME Press, New York, NY, 2017.

  8. “Handbook for Handbook of Integrated and Sustainable Buildings Equipment and Systems, Volume I: Energy Systems”, Gonzalez J. and Krarti,M. Editors, Handbook, 520 pages, ASME Press, New York, NY, 2017.

  9. “Optimal Design and Retrofit of Energy Efficient Buildings, Communities, and Urban Centers”, Krarti, M., Book, 416 pages, Butterworth-Heinemann Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2018.


All publications are peer-reviewed:

  1. “Introduction Energy Audit” M. Krarti, Chapter in Building Energy Efficiency, edited by F. Kreith, CRC Press, 30 pages, published in 1999.

  2. “Ground-Coupled Heat Transfer” M. Krarti, chapter in Advances in Solar Energy, edited by Y. Goswami, ASES publication, 90 pages, published in 1999.

  3. “Ventilation of Enclosed Parking Garages", M. Krarti and A. Ayari, Part of Chapter 12 Enclosed Vehicular Facilities of ASHRAE Handbook of HVAC Applications, 1999.

  4. “HVAC Electrical Systems “ M. Krarti, Chapter in Handbook of Building Energy Systems, edited by J. Kreider, CRC Press, 50 pages, published in 2001.

  5. “” M. Krarti, Chapter in Webster Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, edited by John Webster, John Wiley and Sons, 80 pages, published in 2001. Available on the web. Ěý

  6. “Cogeneration”, M. Krarti, Chapter in IEEE Handbook, edited by J. Webster , CRC Press, 28 pages, 2005.

  7. “Thermal Storage” Edited by M. Krarti, Chapter in the ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook, Atlanta, GA., 90 pages, 2006

  8. "Energy Audits for Buildings" M. Krarti, Chapter in Building Energy Efficiency, edited by Y. Goswami and F. Kreith, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, Chapter 16, 1-19, 2007.

  9. “Analysis Methods for Building Energy Auditing” M Krarti, Chapter in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Handbook, Second Edition, Y. Goswami and F. Kreith, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Publishing, 2015.

  10. "Dynamic Insulation Systems" M. Krarti, B. Park, K. Menyhart, and V. Shekar V., Chapter in Advanced Energy Efficient Building Envelope Systems Ed. Krarti M., ASME Press, New York, NY, 2017.

  11. "Building Energy Systems Modeling and Simulation", M. Krarti, Chapter in Handbook of Integrated and Sustainable Buildings Equipment and Systems, Volume I: Energy Systems, Eds. J Gonzalez and M. Krarti, ASME Pres, New York, NY, 2017.

  12. "Dynamic Cool Roofing System" M. Krarti, J. Testa, and B. Park, Chapter in Advanced Energy Efficient Building Envelope Systems Ed. Krarti M., ASME Press, New York, NY, 2017.

  13. "Control Strategies for Building Energy Systems." M. Krarti, Chapter in Handbook of Integrated and Sustainable Buildings Equipment and Systems, Volume I: Energy Systems, Eds. J Gonzalez and M. Krarti, ASME Pres, New York, NY, 2017.

Journal Articles

All the publications listed below are peer-reviewed:

  1. M. Krarti, and K. Dubey, Review Analysis of Economic and Environmental Benefits of Improving Energy Efficiency for UAE Building Stock, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82(1), 14-24, (2018).

  2. M. Krarti, F. Ali, F., A. Alaidroos, and M. Houchati, , International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, (2018).

  3. M. Krarti, K. Dubey, and N. Howarth, N., Evaluation of building energy efficiency investment options for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Energy 134, 595–610, (2017).

  4. V. Shekar, and M. Krarti, Control strategies for dynamic insulation materials applied to commercial buildings, Energy and Buildings, 154, 305-320, (2017).

  5. A. Alidroos, and M. Krarti, Optimized controls for ventilated wall cavities with spray evaporative cooling systems, Energy and Buildings, 154, 356-372, (2017).

  6. J. Testa, and M. Krarti, A review of benefits and limitations of static and switchable cool roof systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77, 451-460, (2017).

  7. J. Testa, and M. Krarti, Evaluation of energy savings potential of variable reflective roofing systems for US buildings, Sustainable Cities and Society, 31, 62-73, (2017).

  8. K. Menyhart, and M. Krarti, Potential energy savings from deployment of Dynamic Insulation Materials for US residential buildings, Building and Environment, 114, 203-218, (2017).

  9. N. Kruis, and M. Krarti, Three-dimensional accuracy with two-dimensional computation speed: using the Kiva™ numerical framework to improve foundation heat transfer calculations, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 10(2), 161-182, (2017).

  10. M. Krarti M. and K. Dubey, Energy productivity evaluation of large scale building energy efficiency programs for Oman, Sustainable Cities and Society, 29, 12-22, (2017).

  11. A. Alaidroos and M. Krarti, Experimental validation of a numerical model for ventilated wall cavity with spray evaporative cooling systems for hot and dry climates, Energy and Buildings, 131, 207-222, (2016).

  12. A. Alaidroos and M. Krarti, “Numerical Modeling of Ventilated Wall Cavities with Spray Evaporative Cooling Systems” Energy and Buildings, accepted and available online 24 August (2016).

  13. Y. Kang Y. and M. Krarti, Ěý"Bayesian-Emulator based parameter identification for calibrating energy models for existing buildings." Building Simulation Journal, 9 (4), 411-428, (2016).

  14. M. Krarti and P. Ihm, “Evaluation of Net-Zero Energy Residential Buildings in the MENA Region”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 22, 116-125, (2016).

  15. Park and M. Krarti, “Energy performance analysis of variable reflectivity envelope systems for commercial buildings” Energy and Buildings, 124, 88-98, (2016).

  16. B. Ameer and M. Krarti, “Impact of Subsidization on High Energy Performance Designs for Kuwaiti Residential Buildings, Energy and Buildings, 116, 249-262, (2016).

  17. J. Mun, and M. Krarti, “”, Energy and Buildings, In Press, Available online 25 September, (2015).

  18. M. Krarti “”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 50, 1069-1080, (2015).

  19. B. Park, W.V. Srubar, and M. Krarti, “”, Energy and Buildings, 103, 317-325, (2015).

  20. D. Griego, M. Krarti, and A. Hernandez-Guerrero, “”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 17, 132-140, (2015).

  21. B. Park, and M. Krarti, “”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 87, 66-78, (2015).

  22. A. Deneuville and M. Krarti, “Comparative Analysis of Optimal Designs for French and US office Buildings” Energy and Buildings, 93, 332-344, (2015).

  23. A. Alaidroos and M. Krarti, “Optimal Design of Residential Building Envelope Systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” Energy and Buildings, Energy and Buildings, 86, 104-117, (2015).

  24. C. Kaltreider, M. Krarti, and J.S. McCartney, “Heat Transfer Analysis of Thermo-Active Foundations”. Energy and Buildings, 86, 492-501, (2015).

  25. T. Gibson and M. Krarti, “Analysis of End-Use Impact of Daylighting and Glare Controls for Private Office Spaces”, Leukos, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, DOI:101080/15502724.2014.986275, (2014).

  26. T. Gibson and M. Krarti, “Comparative Analysis of Prediction Accuracy from Daylighting Simulation Tools”, Leukos, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, DOI:101080/15502724.2014.986274, (2014).

  27. A. H. Hernandez Guerrero and M. Krarti, “ Foundation heat transfer analysis for buildings with thermal piles”, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 89:449-457 (2014).

  28. M. Solupe, and M. Krarti, "Assessment of Air Infiltration Heat Recovery and Its Impact on Energy Consumption for Residential Buildings", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 78:316-323 (2014).

  29. A. Khlifi and M. Krarti, "Impact of Above-Grade Walls On three-dimensional Heat Transfer from Slab-on-grade floor building foundations", ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Volume 136(1), (2014)

  30. J. Huang, F. Su, D. Seo, and M. Krarti, “Development of 3,012 IWEC2 weather files for international locations (ASHRAE RP-1477)”, ASHRAE Transactions, (2014).

  31. B. Kang and M. Krarti, "Performance of Thermo-active Foundations for Commercial Buildings", ASME Solar Energy Engineering Journal, Vol. 135(4), doi:10.1115/1.4025587, (2013).

  32. L. Willam and M. Krarti, "Optimization of Hybrid Distributed Generation Systems for Ru¬ral Communities in Alaska", Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal, Vol. 28(4), 7-31, (2013).

  33. P. Ihm, and M. Krarti, "Design Optimization of Energy Efficient Office Buildings in Tunisia", ASME Solar Energy Engineering Journal, Vol. 135(4), pp: 122-130, (2013).

  34. Wilson EJH, Mcneill JS, Zhai ZJ, Krarti M. A parametric study of energy savings from cleaning coils and filters in constant air volume HVAC systems. HVAC&R RESEARCH 19(5):616-626, (2013)

  35. "Optimal Electrical Circuiting and Desk Locations for Daylight Spaces", D. Seo, P. Ihm, and M. Krarti, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 51, pp: 122-130, (2012).

  36. "Optimal controls of building storage systems using both ice storage and thermal mass – Part II: Parametric analysis" A. Hajiah and M. Krarti, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 64, pp: 509-515, (2012).

  37. "Optimal controls of building storage systems using both ice storage and thermal mass – Part I: Simulation Environment", A. Hajiah and M. Krarti, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 64, pp: 499-508, (2012).

  38. "Optimization of energy efficiency and thermal comfort measures for residential buildings in Salamanca, Mexico", Danielle Griego, Moncef Krarti, Abel Hernández-Guerrero, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 54, Pages 540-549, (2012).

  39. "Design optimization of energy efficient residential buildings in Tunisia", ĚýPyeongchan Ihm and Moncef Krarti, Building and Environment, Volume 58, Pages 81-90, (2012).

  40. "Impact of window selection on the energy performance of residential buildings in South Korea", Pyeongchan Ihm, Lyool Park, Moncef Krarti, Donghyun Seo, ĚýEnergy Policy, Volume 44, Pages 1-9, (2012).

  41. "Analysis of Thermo-Active Foundations With U-Tube Heat Exchangers" Khaled Rouissi, Moncef Krarti, and John S. McCartney, J. Sol. Energy Eng., Vol. 134, pp: 210-219, (2012).

  42. "Impact of Layered Soil on Foundation Heat Transfer for Slab-On Grade Floors"

  43. Nizar Khaled, Khaled Rouissi, and Moncef Krarti, J. Sol. Energy Eng., Vol. 134, pp: 201-209, (2012).

  44. “Impact of Layered-Soil on Foundation Heat Transfer from Slab-on-Grade Floors”, Solar Energy Engineering Journal, K. Rouissi, N. Khaled, and M. Krarti, Vol. 133, (2011).

  45. “”, D. Seo, P. Ihm, and M. Krarti, Building and Environment, 46 (5), p.1011 (2011).

  46. “”,
    M. Krarti and A. Hajiah, Energy Policy, 39 (5), p.2319, (2011).

  47. “” Z. Zhai, M-H. Johnson, and M. Krarti, Energy and Buildings, 43 (9), p.2251 (2011).

  48. “”, J. Mun and M. Krarti, Building and Environment, 46 (5), p.1087 (2011).

  49. “A frequency-domain regression method for estimating building foundation heat transfer”, A. Khlifi and M. Krarti, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Vol. 4(4), (2011).

  50. “Hourly Solar Radiation Model Suitable for Worldwide Typical Weather File Generation”, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, D. Seo and M. Krarti, Vol. 133, (2011).

  51. “Verification of Energy Savings from a Weatherization Programs”, T. Guiterman and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 117, Part 2, (2011).

  52. “Optimization of Envelope and HVAC Systems Selection for Residential Buildings”, Y. Bichiou and M. Krarti, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 43, (2011).

  53. “Impact of Window Selection on the Energy Performance of Residential Buildings in South Korea”, P. Ihm. D. Seo, and M. Krarti, Energy Policy, Vol. 39, (2011).

  54. "Impact of Typical Weather Year Selection Approaches on Energy Analysis of Buildings", D. Seo, J. Huang, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 116, Part 1, (2010).

  55. "Field Testing for Optimal Controls of TES Systems", S. Morgan and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 116, Part 1, (2010).

  56. “Genetic-Algorithm Based Approach to Optimize Building Envelope Design for Residential Buildings”, D. Tuhus-Dubrow and M. Krarti, Building and Environment, Vol. 44 (2010).

  57. "Comparative Analysis of Optimization Approaches to Design Building Envelope for Residential Buildings", D. Tuhus-Stewart and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 115, Part 2, (2009).

  58. "Estimation of Lighting Energy Savings from Daylighting", P. Ihm, A. Nemri, and M. Krarti, Building and Environment, Vol. 44(3), 509-514 (2009).

  59. "Implementation of a building foundation heat transfer model in Energyplus" M. Krarti and P. Ihm, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2(2), 127-147, (2009). Ěý

  60. "Evaluation of Typical Weather Year Selection Approaches for Energy Analysis of Buildings (RP-1477)", D. Seo, J. Huang, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 115, Part 2 (2009).

  61. "Impact of Solar Model Selection on Building Energy Analysis for Kuwait", A. Al-Anzi, D. Seo, and M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 130, (2008).

  62. "Development of Models for Hourly Solar radiation Prediction", D. Seo, J. Huang, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 114, Part 1 (2008).

  63. "Overview of Energy Efficient HVAC Systems for Buildings", M. Krarti, Green Building Journal, May (2008).

  64. "Comparative Analysis of Four Solar Models for Tropical Sites", M. Krarti and D. Seo, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 113, Part 1, (2007).

  65. "Impact of Solar Model on Building Energy Analysis for Tropical Sites", D. seo and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 113, Part 1 (2007).

  66. "Impact of Electricity Rate Structures on Energy Cost Savings of Pre-cooling Controls for Office Buildings", S. Morgan and M. Krarti, Building and Environment, Vol. 42(8), 2810-2818 (2007).

  67. "A Simplified Analysis Tool to Predict the Impact of Shape on Annual Energy Use for Office Buildings", R. Ouarghi, A. Al-Anzi, Ěýand M. Krarti, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 48(1), 300-305 (2007).

  68. “Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Cooling Characteristics of Partition Air Supply System”, K. Jeong, J. Zhai, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 112, Part 2, (2006).

  69. “Building Shape Optimization Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Approach”, R. Ouarghi and M. Krarti, ASHARE Transactions, Vol. 112, Part 1, (2006).

  70. “Comparative Analysis of Three Solar Models for Tunis”, M. Krarti and D. Seo, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 112, Part 1, (2006).

  71. “Cooling the Cities: a Book Review”, M. Krarti, ASME Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 128, (2006).

  72. “Parametric Analysis of Passive and Active Building Thermal Storage Systems” G. Zhou, M. Krarti, and G. Henze, ASME Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 127 (2005).

  73. “Optimal Control Strategies for Heated Radiant Floor Systems” P. Ihm, and M. Krarti, ĚýASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 111, Part 1, (2005).

  74. “A simplified Method to Estimate Energy Savings of Artificial Lighting Use from Daylighting”, P. Erickson, T. Hollman, and M. Krarti, Building and Environment, (2005).

  75. “Analysis of Daylighting Benefits for Office Buildings in Egypt”, M. El Mohimen, G.Hanna, and M. Krarti, ASME Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 127, (2005).

  76. “Local/Global Analysis of Transient Heat Transfer from Building Foundations”, A. Al-Anzi and M. Krarti, Building and Environment, Vol. 39(5), 495-504, (2004).

  77. “Integration of Thermal Energy Storage Model Within EnergyPlus”, P. Ihm, M. Krarti, and G. Henze, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 36, (2004).

  78. “Analysis of Moisture and Heat Transfer Beneath Freezer Foundations, Part I”, P. Chuangchid, P. Ihm, and M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 2 (2004).

  79. “Analysis of Moisture and Heat Transfer Beneath Freezer Foundations, Part II”, P. Chuangchid, P. Ihm, and M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 2 (2004).

  80. “CFD Analysis of Ventilation System Performance for Enclosed Parking Garages”, M. Krarti and A. Ayari, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 109, Part 2, 455-469 (2003).

  81. “Guidelines for Improved Performance of Ice Storage Systems”, G.P. henze, M. Krarti, and M.J. Brandemuehl, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 35, pp: 111-127, (2003).

  82. “Overview of Artificial Intelligence Based Methods for Building Energy Systems”, M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 3, 331-342 (2003).

  83. “Analysis of the Impact of CO2-Based Demand Controlled Ventilation Strategies on Energy Consumption”, M. Alalawi and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 109, Part 1, pp: 135-147 (2003).

  84. “Local/Global Analysis Applications to Ground-Coupled Heat Transfer”, A. Al-Anzi and M. Krarti, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 115, 971-880 (2003).

  85. “Experimental Analysis of Demand Ventilation Controls”, M. Alalawi and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 108, Part 2, 105-135 (2002).

  86. “Evaluation of an Internal Melt Ice-on-Coil Storage Tank During Partial Charging and Discharging Cycles”, K. Kiatreungwattana and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 108, Part 2, 560-578 (2002).

  87. “Placement of Thermal Insulation for Slab-on-Grade Foundations”, M. Krarti, Journal of Light Construction, Vol. 30, 24-27 (2002).

  88. “Interactions of Water and Energy Use in Residential Buildings: Part I-Modeling”, M. Conchilla and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 108, Part 1, 345-356 (2002).

  89. “Interactions of Water and Energy Use in Residential Buildings: Part II-results”, M. Conchilla and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 108, Part 1, 357-367 (2002).

  90. “Steady-State Component of Three-Dimensional Slab-on-Grade Foundation Heat Transfer”, P. Chuangchid, and M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 1, 18-29, (2001).

  91. “Ventilation for Enclosed Parking Garages”, M. Krarti and A. Ayari, ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 43, No. 2, 52-57 (2001).

  92. Foundation Heat Loss from Heated Concrete Slab-on-Grade Floors”, P. Chuangchid and M. Krarti, Building and Environment, Vol. 36, 637-655 (2001).

  93. Steady-Periodic Three-Dimensional Foundation Heat Transfer from Refrigerated Structures”, P. Chuangchid, and M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 122, 69-83, (2000).

  94. ``Error Analysis of Measurement and Control Techniques of Outside Air Intake Rates in VAV Systems'', C. Shroeder, M. Krarti, and M. Brandemuehl, ASHRAE Transactions , Vol. 106, Part 2, 221-233 (2000).

  95. “Experimental Analysis of Measurement and Control Techniques of Outside Air Intake Rates in VAV Systems”, M. Krarti, C. Schroeder, E. Jeanette, M. Brandemuehl, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 106, Pt. 2, 234-255 (2000).

  96. “Field Evaluation of Design Ventilation System Performance in Enclosed Parking Garages”, A. Ayari, M. Krarti, and G. Grot, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 106, Part 1, 90-106 (2000).

  97. “Parametric Analysis and Development of a Design Tool for Foundation Heat Gain for Refrigerated Warehouses”, P. Chuangchid, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 106, Pt 2, 367-379 (2000).

  98. “Thermally Optimal Insulation Distribution for Underground Structures”, S. Choi, and M. Krarti, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 32, 251-265 (2000).

  99. “Planning Horizon for a Predictive Optimal Controller for Thermal Energy Storage Systems”, M. Krarti, G. Henze, and D. Bell, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 105, Pt 2, 480-496 (1999).

  100. “Simplified Prediction Tool for Peak Occupancy Rate in Office Buildings”, D. Keith, and M. Krarti, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Vol. 38, No. 1, 43-56 (1999).

  101. “Overview of Existing Regulations for Ventilation System Requirements for Enclosed Vehicular Parking Garages”, M. Krarti, and A. Ayari, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 105, Part 2, 145-158 (1999).

  102. "Ice Storage System Controls for the Reduction of Operating Cost and Energy Use", G. Henze, and M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 1, 26-34 (1998).

  103. “Heat Transfer for a Slab-on-Grade Floor with Prescribed Heat Flux”, S. Choi, and M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 1, 17-25 (1998).

  104. ``Estimation of Energy Savings for Building Retrofits Using Neural Networks'' M. Krarti, J. Kreider, D. Cohen, and P. Curtiss, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 3, 211-216 (1998).

  105. ``Ice Storage System Controls for the Reduction of Operating Cost and Energy Use'', G. Henze and M. Krarti, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 4, (1998)

  106. ``Heat Transfer for Slab-on-Grade Floor with Stepped Ground'', M. Krarti, Energy Conversion and Management Journal, Vol. 39, No. 7, 691-701, (1998).

  107. ``Time-Varying Heat Transfer from Adjacent Slab-on-Grade Floors'', M. Krarti and O. Piot, Int. Journal of Energy AVĂűĘŞ, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 289-301, (1998).

  108. ``A Simulation Method for Fluctuating Temperatures in Crawlspace Foundations'', M. Krarti and S. Choi, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 26, No. 2, 183-188, (1997).

  109. ``Review of Laboratory and Field Methods to Measure Fan, Pump, and Chiller Performance', J. Phelan, M. Brandemuehl, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 103, Part 2, 356-367 (1997).

  110. ``Parametric Analysis of an Internal-Melt Ice-on-Coil Tank'', J. Neto, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 103, Part 2, 321-334 (1997).

  111. ``Deterministic Model for an Indirect Ice Storage Tank'', J. Neto and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 103, Part 1, 113-124, (1997).

  112. ``Experimental Validation of a Numerical Model for an Indirect Ice Storage Tank'', J. Neto and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 103, Part 1, 125-138, (1997).

  113. ``Evaluation of the Thermal Bridging Effects on the Thermal Performance of Slab-on-Grade Floor Foundations'', A. Alanzi, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 103, Part 1, 563-572, (1997).

  114. ``Development of a Simulation Environment for Cool Storage Controls'', G. Henze, ĚýM. Krarti, and M. Brandemuehl, HVAC&R Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, 128-148, (1997).

  115. ``In-Situ Performance testing of Fans and Pumps for Energy Analysis'', J. Phelan, M.J. Brandemuehl, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 103, Part 1, pp. 318-332, (1997).

  116. ``In-Situ Performance testing of Chillers for Energy Analysis'', J. Phelan, M.J. Brandemuehl, and M. Krarti, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 103,Part 1, pp. 290-302, (1997).

  117. ``Development of a Predictive Optimal Controller for Thermal Energy Storage Systems'', G. Henze, R. Dodier, and M. Krarti, ĚýHVAC&R Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 233-264, (1997).

  118. ``Effects of Standard Energy Conserving Measures on Thermal Comfort'', R. Holz, A. Hourigan, R. Sloop, P. Monkman, and M. Krarti ĚýBuilding and Environment Journal, Vol. 32, 31-44, (1997).

  119. ``Analytical Model for Heat Transfer in an Underground Air Tunnel'', M. Krarti and J. Kreider, Energy Conversion and Management Journal, Vol. 37, No. 10, 1561-1574, (1996).

  120. ``Simplified Method for Foundation Heat Loss Calculation'', M. Krarti and S. Choi, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 102, Part 1, pp. 140-152, (1996).

  121. ``Effect of Spatial Variation of Soil Thermal Properties on Slab-on-Grade Heat Transfer'', M. Krarti, Building and Environment Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1, 51-58, (1996).

  122. ``Time-Varying Heat Transfer from Adjacent Slab-on-Grade Floors'', M. Krarti and O. Piot, International Journal of Energy AVĂűĘŞ, Vol. 20, 110-123 (1996).

  123. ``Slab Heat Loss Calculation with Non-Uniform Inside Air Temperature Profile'', S. Choi and M. Krarti, Energy Conversion and Management Journal, Vol. 37, (1996).

  124. ``Optimum Insulation for Basements'', M. Krarti and S. Choi, Energy and Buildings Journal, Vol. 22, pp. 125-131, (1995).

  125. ``Comparison of Energy Prediction of Three Ground-Coupling Heat Transfer Calculation Methods'', M. Krarti, V. Nicoulin, D. Claridge, and J. Kreider, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 101, Part 1, (1995).

  126. ``Frequency Domain Analysis of Below-Grade Building Envelope Surfaces'', M. Krarti, D. Claridge, and J. Kreider, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 101, Part 1, (1995).

  127. ``Steady-State Heat Transfer from Adjacent Slab-on-Grade Floors'', M. Krarti and O. Piot, ASME Transactions Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp. 60-63, (1995).

  128. ``Analytical Model to Predict Annual Soil Surface Temperature Variation,'' M. Krarti, C. Lopez-Alonzo, D.E. Claridge, and J.F. Kreider, ASME Transactions Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 2, pp. 91-99, (1995).

  129. ``Analytical Model to Predict Non-homogeneous Soil Temperature Variation,'' M. Krarti, D.E. Claridge, and J.F. Kreider, ASME Transactions Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 2, pp. 100-107, (1995).

  130. ``Building Energy Use Prediction and System Identification Using Recurrent Neural Networks'', J.F. Kreider, D.E. Claridge, P. Curtiss, R. Dodier, J.S. Haberl, and M. Krarti, ASME Transactions Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 3, pp. 161-166, (1995).

  131. ``Heat Loss and Moisture Condensation for Wall Corners'', M. Krarti, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol 34, No. 8, pp. 651-659, (1994).

  132. ``Effect of Air Flow on Heat Transfer in Walls'', M. Krarti, ASME Transactions Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 1, pp. 35-42, (1994).

  133. ``Foundation Heat Transfer Calculation Procedure for Detailed Simulation Programs'', M. Krarti, D. Claridge, and J. Kreider, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 100, Pt 2, (1994).

  134. ``Schwartz-Christoffel Transformation Applied to Steady-State Ground-Coupling Problems'', M. Krarti, J. Kreider, and D. Claridge, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 20, pp. 193-203, (1994).

  135. ``Steady-State Heat Transfer from partially Insulated Basements'', M. Krarti, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 20, pp. 1-9, (1994).

  136. ``Time-Varying Heat Transfer from Partially Insulated Basements'', M. Krarti, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 1657-1672, (1994).

  137. ``Time-Varying Heat Transfer From Horizontally Insulated Slab-on-Grade Floors'', M. Krarti, Building and Environment, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 63-71, (1994).

  138. ``Time-Varying Heat Transfer From Slab-on-Grade Floors with Vertical Insulation'', M. Krarti, Building and Environment, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 55-62, (1994).

  139. ``Steady-State Heat Transfer From Slab-on-Grade Floors with Vertical Insulation'', M. Krarti, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, pp. 2147-2155, (1993).

  140. ``Steady-State Heat Transfer From Horizontally Insulated Slabs'', M. Krarti, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, pp. 2135-2145, (1993).

  141. ``The ITPE Method Applied to Time-Varying Three Dimensional Ground-Coupling Problems", M. Krarti, D. Claridge and J. Kreider, ASME Transactions Heat Transfer Journal, Vol. 112, pp. 849-856, (1990).

  142. ``Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer from Earth-Sheltered Buildings", M. Krarti, D. Claridge, ASME Transactions Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 112, pp. 43-50, (1990).

  143. ``Reduction of the Effective Leakage Areas of Single-Section HUD Code Manufactured Homes Due to Air Infiltration Barriers", with A. Tuluca, M. Krarti and M. Sherman, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 96, Part1, pp. 1080-1091, (1990).

  144. ``Steady-State Heat Transfer Underneath Partially Insulated Slab-on-Grade Floor", M. Krarti, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 32, pp. 961-969, (1989).

  145. ``Air Movement Influence on the effective Thermal Resistance of Porous Insulations: A Literature Survey", F. Powell, M. Krarti, and A. Tuluca, Journal of Thermal Insulation, Vol.12, pp. 239-251, (1989).

  146. ``Expert System for Selection of Standardized AVĂűĘŞ Greenhouses", A. Tuluca, M. Krarti, and G. Turner, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 95, Part2, 988-997, (1989).

  147. ``The ITPE Method Applied to Steady-State Ground-Coupling Problems", M. Krarti, D. Claridge and J. Kreider, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 31, pp. 1885-1898, (1988).

  148. ``The ITPE Method Applied to Time-Varying Two-Dimensional Ground-Coupling Problems, M. Krarti, D. Claridge and J. Kreider, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 31, pp. 1899-1911, (1988).

  149. ``Analytical Calculation Procedure for Underground Heat Loss", M. Krarti, D. Claridge, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 94, Part 2, pp. 982-991, (1988).

  150. ``A Validation Study of Variable-Base Degree-Day Cooling Calculations'', D. Claridge, M. Krarti, and M. Bida, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 93, Part 2, (1987).

  151. ``A Validation Study of Variable-Base Degree-Day Heating Calculations'', D. Claridge, M. Bida, M. Krarti, and W. Zwack, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 93, Part 2, (1987).