The research interests of Prof. Krarti include energy efficient and renewable energy technologies that are suitable for integration in the built environment. He has been involved in a wide of research projects related to building energy systems. Some of his projects include:

  • Dynamic Insulation Materials for Buildings

  • Automated Energy Auditing Approaches for Existing Buildings

  • Optimal Control for Daylighting Systems

  • Impact of Shapes and Forms on Energy Performance of Buildings

  • Optimal Insulation Placement for Buildings Envelope including Walls, Floors, and Roofs

  • Impacts of Thermal Bridging Effects in Building Envelope.

  • Optimal Selection of Glazing for Windows

  • Combined power and heat generation systems

  • Environmental Impacts of Central Cooling Systems

  • Modeling Solar Radiation in the Tropics

  • In-Situ Evaluation of Airflow in Ducts.

  • Field Evaluation of Fans and Pumps Performance.

  • Demand Controlled Ventilation in Buildings.

  • Indoor Air Quality Modeling in Commercial Buildings.

  • Optimal Control Strategies for Ice Storage Systems.

  • Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures.

  • Artificial Neural Networks Applied to Building Load Prediction.

  • Calculation of Foundation Heat Loss/Gain.

  • Expert System for Standardized Greenhouse Designs.

  • Expert System for HVAC systems Diagnostics.