**The 2018 deadline for this opportunity has passed or the internal application slot has been granted. Updated information will be posted when the next funding cycle opens.**

Program Summary听

FOA announces DOE鈥檚 intent to support Marine and Hydrokinetic (MHK) research and development projects in three Topic Areas: (1) Early Stage Device Design AV名湿 (2) Controls and Power Take Off (PTO) Design Integration and Testing (3) Dissemination of Environmental Data and Analyses to Facilitate the Marine Energy Regulatory Process.


Internal Competition Deadline: 11:59pm MST May 21, 2018

Sponsor Concept Paper Deadline: 3:00pm MST May 31, 2018

Sponsor Application Deadline: 3:00pm MST July 17, 2018

Internal Application Requirements (all in PDF format)

  • Up to 2-page project summary
  • Up to 2-page curriculum vitae
  • Up to 1-page budget overview: a basic budget outlining project costs is sufficient; detailed OCG budgets are not required.

To access the online application, visit:


There are no special eligibility requirements.

Limited Submission Guidelines

Applicants may submit only one full application for each topic area of the FOA.

Topic Areas include:

  1. Topic Area 1: Early Stage Device Design AV名湿
  2. Topic Area 2: Controls and Power Take Off (PTO) Design Integration and Testing
  3. Topic Area 3: Dissemination of Environmental Data and Analysis to Facilitate the Marine Energy Regulatory Process

Award Information and Duration

Up to two awards will be made under this topic area. Projects with a limited, regional focus will be eligible for up to $800,000 in funding, while projects with a nation鈥恮ide focus will be eligible for up to $1,600,000. The duration of the projects should be proposed by the applicant, though not to exceed 3 years.

The cost share must be at least 20% of the total allowable costs for topic areas 1 and 2; there is no cost share requirement for topic area 3.