Child-Robot Interaction to Integrate Reflective Storytelling into Creative Play

Child-robot interaction to integrate reflective storytelling into creative play Authors: Hubbard, L., Chen, Y., Colunga, E., Kim, P., Yeh, T. Publication date: 06-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding

Voice Design to Support Young Children's Agency in Child-Agent Interaction

Voice design to support young children's agency in child-agent interaction Authors: Hubbard, L., Ding, S., Le, Vi., Kim, P., Yeh, T. Publication date: 07-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding

Integrating Psychometrics and Computing Perspectives on Bias and Fairness in Affective Computing: A Case Study of Automated Video Interviews.

Integrating psychometrics and computing perspectives on bias and fairness in affective computing Authors: Booth, B., Hickman, L., Subburaj, S. K., Tay, L., Woo, S., & D’Mello, S. K. Publication date: 2021 Type: Journal Article: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

The Data Sensor Hub (DaSH): a Physical Computing System to Support Middle School Inquiry Science Instruction.

The Data Sensor Hub (DaSH): a physical computing system to support middle school inquiry science instruction Authors: Gendreau Chakarov A, Biddy Q, Hennessy Elliott C, Recker M. Publication date: 2021 Type: Journal Article: Sensors

What Would a Teacher Do? Predicting Future Talk Moves

What would a teacher do? Predicting future talk moves Authors: Ganesh, A., Kann, K., and Palmer, M. Publication date: 2021 Type: Conference Proceeding

Challenges and Unexpected Affordances of Physical Computing Going Remote.

Challenges and unexpected affordances of physical computing going remote Authors: Chakarov, A. G., Bush, J., Biddy, Q. L., Jacobs, J., Elliott, C. H., & Sumner, T. Publication date: 2021 Type: Conference Proceeding: IDC 2021: Interaction Design and Children (pp. 276-282)

Comparing Collaborative Problem Solving Profiles Derived from Human and Semi-automated Annotation

Comparing Collaborative Problem Solving Profiles Derived from Human and Semi-automated Annotation Authors: Andrews-Todd, J., Steinberg, J., Pugh, S., D’Mello, S. K. Publication date: 2022 Type: Conference Proceeding: In Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan

A Conceptual Framework for Investigating Machine Learning Measurement Bias. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science

A Conceptual Framework for Investigating Machine Learning Measurement Bias . Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science Authors: Tay, L., Woo, S., Hickman, L., & D’Mello, S. K. Publication date: 2022 Type: Journal Article: Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS)

The Relationship Between Collaborative Problem-Solving Processes and Objective Outcomes in a Game-Based Learning Environment

The relationship between collaborative problem-solving processes and objective outcomes in a game-based learning environment Authors: Sun, C., Shute, V. J., Stewart, A. E. B., Beck-White, Q., Reinhardt, C. R., Duran, N., & D’Mello, S. K. Publication date: 2022 Type: Journal Article: Computers in Human Behavior, 128

Multimodal Engagement Analysis from Facial Videos in the Classroom

Multimodal engagement analysis from facial videos in the classroom Authors: Sumer, O., Goldberg, P., D’Mello, S. K., Gerjets, P., Trautwein, U. & Kasneci, E. Publication date: 2022 Type: Journal Article: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
