Investigating collaborative problem solving skills and outcomes across computer-based tasks

Investigating collaborative problem solving skills and outcomes across computer-based tasks Authors: Andrews-Todd, J., Jiang, Y., Steinberg, J., Pugh, S., L., D’Mello, S. K. Publication Date: 2023 Type: Journal: Computer & Education

Multi-level Linguistic Alignment in a Dynamic Collaborative Problem-Solving Task

Multi-level Linguistic Alignment in a Dynamic Collaborative Problem-Solving Task Authors: Duran, N., Paige, A., D'Mello, S. Publication Date: 2023 Type: Journal: Cognitive Science

Empowering Educators via Language Technology

Empowering Educators via Language Technology Authors: Demszky, D., Bush, J., D'Mello, S., Jacobs, J., Hau, I., Hill, H., Liu, J., Loeb, S., Maples, B., Peppler, K., Pokorny, R., Rascoff, M., Robinson, J., Yeager, D., Wentworth, L. Publication Date: 2023 Type: Conference and Whitepaper

Computing Ethics Voice in the Machine: Ethical Considerations for Language-Capable Robots

Computing Ethics Voice in the Machine: Ethical Considerations for Language-Capable Robots Authors: Williams, T., Matusek, C., Jokinen, K., Korpan, R., Pustejovsky, J., and Scassellati, B. Publication Date: 2023 Type: Journal: Communications of the ACM

Co-designing AI with Youth Partners: Enabling Ideal Classroom Relationships through a Novel AI Privacy Framework

Co-designing AI with Youth Partners: Enabling Ideal Classroom Relationships through a Novel AI Privacy Framework Authors: Chang, M. A., Tissenbaum, M., Philip, T. M., D'Mello, S.K Publication Date: 2023 Type: Submitted to Computers and Education

Using Speech Patterns to Model the Dimensions of Teamness in Human-Agent Teams

Using Speech Patterns to Model the Dimensions of Teamness in Human-Agent Teams Authors: Doherty, E., Spencer, C. A., Eloy, L.A., Kumar, N., Dickler, R., Hirshfield, L. Publication Date: 2023 Type: Conference Proceedings: The 25th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction

A comparative Analysis of Automatic Speech Recognition Errors in Small Group Classroom Discourse

A comparative Analysis of Automatic Speech Recognition Errors in Small Group Classroom Discourse Authors: Cao, J., Ganesh, A., Cai, J., Southwell, R., Perkoff, M. E., Regan, M., Kann, K., Martin, J.H., Palmer, M., and D’Mello, S. K. Publication Date: June, 2023 Type: Conference Proceeding: The 31st ACM Conference On User...

Automatic Detection of Collaborative States in Small Groups Using Multimodal Features

Automatic Detection of Collaborative States in Small Groups Using Multimodal Features Authors: Mariah Bradford, Ibrahim Khebour, Nathaniel Blanchard and Nikhil Krishnaswamy Publication Date: 2023 Type: Conference Proceeding: 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education

A Multi-Theoretic Analysis of Collaborative Discourse: A Step Towards AI-Facilitated Student Collaborations

A Multi-Theoretic Analysis of Collaborative Discourse: A Step Towards AI-Facilitated Student Collaborations Authors: Jason Reitman, Peter Foltz, Charis Clevenger, Quinton Beck-White, Amanda Howard, Sierra Rose, Jacob Elick, Julianna Harris and Sidney D’Mello Publication Date: 2023 Type: Conference Proceeding: 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education

Designing an AI Partner for Jigsaw classrooms

Designing an AI Partner for Jigsaw classrooms Authors: Jie Cao, Rachel Dickler, Marie Grace, Jeffrey B. Bush, Alessandro Roncone, Leanne M. Hirshfield, Marilyn A. Walker, Martha S. Palmer Publication Date: 2023 Type: Proceedings of the Workshop on Language-Based AI Agent Interaction with Children (AIAIC'2023), Los Angeles, California
