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Hydrologic Controls On Microbial Mat Communities In The McMurdo Dry Valley Streams Of Antarctica

Kohler , Tyler J 1 ; McKnight , Diane M 2 1 INSTAAR, University of Colorado 2 INSTAAR, University of Colorado In the McMurdo Dry Valleys, perennial cyanobacterial mats have adapted to undependable streamflow by persisting in a desiccated state during winter, but resume photosynthesizing with rehydration in summer months...

Estimating Freshwater Discharge From The Greenland Ice Sheet With MODIS

Hudson , Benjamin 1 ; Overeem , Irina 2 ; Syvitski , James P.M. 3 ; Mikkelsen , Andreas 4 1 University of Colorado, Community Surface Dyamics Modeling System 2 University of Colorado, Community Surface Dyamics Modeling System 3 University of Colorado, Community Surface Dyamics Modeling System 4 University of...

Modeling The Effects Of Bed Topography On Fluvial Erosion By Saltating Bed Load

Huda , Shahen A. 1 ; Small , Eric E. 2 1 University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept of Geological Sciences 2 University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept of Geological Sciences Abrasion by bed load is a dominant erosional mechanism of fluvial incision into bedrock. The foremost saltation-abrasion model states...

Land Subsidence At Aquaculture Facilities In The Yellow River Delta, China

Higgins , Stephanie 1 ; Overeem , Irina 2 ; Tanaka , Akiko 3 ; Syvitki , James P. M. 4 1 Department of Geological Sciences, Institute of Arctic and Alpine AVÃûʪ 2 Institute of Arctic and Alpine AVÃûʪ 3 AIST, Japan 4 Department of Geological Sciences, Institute of Arctic...

The Aquatic Program At The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)

Goodman , Keli J 1 ; Fitzgerald , Michael 2 ; Parker , Stephanie M 3 ; Roehm , Charlotte L 4 ; Utz , Ryan M. 5 ; Powell , Heather 6 1 NEON 2 NEON 3 NEON 4 NEON 5 NEON 6 NEON The National Ecological Observatory Network...

Hydraulic Fracturing Water Usage: Activist Perceptions And The Controversial Technique

Fitch , Michael 1 1 University of Colorado at Boulder Natural gas extraction in the United States has seen a dramatic increase over the last ten years due in large part hydraulic fracturing (fracking). In particular, Colorado has been a part of this increase in natural gas development, including in...

Sensing Vegetation Growth And Senescence With Reflected GPS Signals

Evans , Sarah G. 1 ; Small , Eric E. 2 ; Larson , Kristine M. 3 1 University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Geological Sciences 2 University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Geological Sciences 3 University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences We have...

Modeling Large Scale Climate Indicators Using Wavelet-Based Time Series Method

Erkyihun , Solomon T. 1 ; Zagona , Edith 2 ; Balaji , Rajagopalan 3 1 Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder;CADSWES, University of Colorado, Boulder 2 Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder;CADSWES, University of Colorado, Boulder 3 CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder;Civil, Environmental,...

Modeling Microbial Contributions To Dissolved Organic Matter Using Parallel Factor Analysis

Ebert , Jessica 1 ; McKnight , Diane 2 1 University of Colorado 2 University of Colorado Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is present in all aquatic ecosystems and plays and important role in the global carbon cycle. DOM can be characterized using fluorescence spectroscopy. The measurements that are collected from...

Wildfire And Hillslope Aspect Impacts On Subsurface Hydrologic Response

Ebel , Brian A. 1 1 Cooperative Institute for AVÃûʪ in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Wildfire is one of the most prevalent disturbance events in the disturbance regime of mountainous terrain and can substantially impact hydrologic processes. Recent evidence suggests wildfire incidence, susceptibility, and synchrony are increasing in some regions. The...
