Longitudinal Stream Profile Analysis In Taiwan

Yanites , Brian J 1 ; Tucker , Greg 2 1 University of Colorado 2 University of Colorado The growth of active tectonic structures is reflected in topographic properties such as hillslope steepness, local and regional relief, and longitudinal stream profiles. Preliminary results of three major rivers from the island...

Assessing The Effects Of Streamflow Changes And Local Shear Stress Variations On The New Zealand Mud Snail In Boulder Creek, Colorado

Wynne , Kristina 1 ; Pitlick , John 2 1 University of Colorado, Department of Geography 2 University of Colorado, Department of Geography In November, 2004, the invasive New Zealand mud snail (NZMS) was confirmed in Colorado. Previous studies of the NZMS in streams of the northern Rocky Mountains have...

INVITED FACULTY TALK - The “Teflon Basin” Myth Debunked: Most Snowmelt Runoff Is “Old” Water And Not “New” Water

Williams , Mark W 1 1 INSTAAR and Geography New research shows high-altitude aquifers honeycomb parts of the Colorado Rockies, trapping snowmelt and debunking the myth that high mountain valleys act as “Teflon basins” to rush water downstream. In much of western North America, snow and snow melt provides the...

Retreat Rates And Controls On The Form Of Hard-Capped Cliffs In Plateau Country

Ward , Dylan J 1 ; Anderson , Robert S 2 1 University of Colorado Dept. of Geological Sciences and INSTAAR 2 University of Colorado Dept. of Geological Sciences and INSTAAR The retreat of hard-capped cliffbands represents the erosional response of the Plateau landscape to changes in base level, i.e.,...

Morphology And Potential Retreat Processes Of East Fork Falls, Roan Plateau, Colorado

Thul , David 1 ; Berlin , Maureen 2 ; Anderson , Robert S. 3 1 Geological Sciences, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder 2 Geological Sciences, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder 3 INSTAAR and Geological Sciences, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder Colorado's Roan Plateau provides a natural laboratory for the...

Numerical Simulation Of Tectonic Strain And Water Level At A Desert Fault System

Robertson , Gregory D 1 ; Ge , Shemin 2 ; Cutillo , Paula 3 1 University of Colorado at Boulder 2 University of Colorado at Boulder 3 National Park Service, Water Resource Division Tectonic deformation in the Great Basin is speculated as one of the possible causes for water...

Local Polynomial Method For Ensemble Forecast Of Time Series

Regonda , Satish K 1 ; Rajagopalan , Balaji 2 ; Lall , Upmanu 3 ; Clark , Martyn 4 ; Moon , Young-Il 5 1 Dept of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering, Cooperative Institute for AVʪ in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder 2 Dept of Civil, Environmental...

A Multi-Model Ensemble Forecast Framework: Application To Spring Seasonal Flows In The Gunnison River Basin

Regonda , Satish K 1 ; Rajagopalan , Balaji 2 ; Clark , Martyn 3 ; Zagona , Edith 4 1 Dept of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering, Cooperative Institute for AVʪ in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder 2 Dept of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering, Cooperative Institute...

Hydrologic Science Vs. Regulatory Policy: USEPA’s Watershed Control Requirements For Cryptosporidium

Pontius , Frederick W. 1 1 Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Watershed control is one option within the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR) microbial toolbox for public water systems to provide extra protection against Cryptosporidium...

INVITED TALK: From AVʪ To Remediation: Some Applications Of Hydrogeochemical AVʪ To Mine Site Remediation

Nordstrom , D. Kirk 1 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Boulder, CO AVʪ in chemistry, geochemistry, and hydrogeochemistry has been applied successfully to identify the geochemical processes that produce acid rock drainage and determine its fate, and to understand remediation scenarios. When iron in acid drainage fully oxidizes, does the pH...
