
Personality, Interpersonal Disagreement, and Electoral Information.

Lyons J, Sokhey AE, McClurg SD, Seib D. JOURNAL OF POLITICS . 78 (3) (July 01, 2016): 806-821. Abstract: Interpersonal disagreement has been linked to a variety of democratic outcomes, and classic theories of social influence place it at the heart of opinion formation. We examine the relationship between exposure...


The Political Consequences of Gender in Social Networks.

Djupe P, Mcclurg S, Sokhey AE. British Journal of Political Science (2016): 1-22. Abstract: Scholars of behavior remain focused on the citizenry’s ability to acquire high quality information that can enable political action and choice. One of the primary concerns to emerge from sociallydriven investigations into this is whether networks...


The roots of trust in local government in western Europe.

Fitzgerald J, Wolak J. INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW . 37 (1) (January 01, 2016): 130-146. Abstract: When people say that they trust local authorities, is it simply because they have generalized trust in national government? Or is trust in local government rooted in distinctive considerations, connected to the character of...


Vulnerability by Marriage: Okin's Radical Feminist Critique of Structural Gender Inequality.

Ferguson ML. Hypatia . 31 (3) (August 2016): 687-703. Abstract: The central thesis of Susan Okin’s Justice, Gender, and the Family—that the ideology of the traditional family is the linchpin of contemporary gender inequality in the US—remains significant more than a quarter-century after the book’s publication. On a political register,...


United Nations peacekeeping dynamics and the duration of post-civil conflict peace.

Hultman L, Kathman JD, Shannon M. Conflict Management and Peace Science . 33 (3) (July 01, 2016): 231-249. Abstract: How do the qualities of United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKOs) influence the duration of peace after civil wars? Recent work shows that UN peacekeeping extends the duration of peace. However, this...


Land occupations and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.

Brown DS, Brown JC, Brown C. LAND USE POLICY . 54 (July 01, 2016): 331-338. Abstract AVÃûʪers are increasingly interested in understanding the impact of contentious social processes on land change. In the Brazilian Amazon, there are often contentious interactions between landholders defending private property rights and squatters who have...


Does Institutional Design Matter? A Study of Trade Effectiveness and PTA Flexibility/Rigidity.

Bearce DH, Eldredge CD, Jolliff BJ. INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY . 60 (2) (June 01, 2016): 307-316. Abstract: This article examines the trade effect of flexibility design features within preferential trading arrangements (PTAs). Using a gravity model of bilateral trade that incorporates multilateral trade resistance, we report three main results. First,...


Ethnopolitical demography and democracy in sub-Saharan Africa.

Baker A, Scarritt JR, Mozaffar S. DEMOCRATIZATION . 23 (5) (August 01, 2016): 838-861. Abstract : Ethnic fragmentation is largely presumed to be bad for democracy. However, many African countries belie this claim, as democracy has recently sprouted in several of its multiethnic states. We argue that African countries that...


The Dynamics of Partisan Identification When Party Brands Change: The Case of the Workers Party in Brazil.

Baker A, Ames B, Sokhey AE, Renno LR. JOURNAL OF POLITICS . 78 (1) (January 01, 2016): 197-213. Abstract: What happens to partisanship when a party undergoes rapid and visible elite-led changes that dilute its traditional brand? We address scholarly debates on the stability of mass partisanship by analyzing the...


Decentralization can help reduce deforestation when user groups engage with local government.

Wright GD, Andersson KP, Gibson CC, Evans TP. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . 113 (52) (December 27, 2016): 14958-14963. Abstract: Policy makers around the world tout decentralization as an effective tool in the governance of natural resources. Despite the popularity of...
