
Feelings of Political Efficacy in the Fifty States

Sept. 12, 2018

Wolak, J. Polit Behav (2018) 40: 763. Abstract: What makes people feel influential in politics? While prior studies describe political efficacy as a stable and socialized trait, I argue that feelings of effectiveness in politics follow from the actions of politicians and the design of government. When state governments...


The supply side of United Nations peacekeeping operations: Trade ties and United Nations-led deployments to civil war states

Oct. 10, 2017

Stojek, Szymon and Jaroslav Tir. 2015. “The Supply Side of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Trade Ties and Locations of UN Led Deployments.” European Journal of International Relations 21(2): 352-376. Abstract: Peacekeeping operations have been identified as the most effective and efficient solution to the highly intractable problem of civil war...


Get off my lawn:Territorial civil wars and subsequent social intolerance in the public

Oct. 10, 2017

Tir, Jaroslav and Shane P. Singh. 2015."Get Off My Lawn: Territorial Civil Wars and Subsequent Social Intolerance in the Public." Journal of Peace AVʪ 52(4): 478-491. Abstract: It is argued that threat related to territorial civil wars generates negative interpersonal attitudes that are both more intense and more broadly oriented...


Partisanship, Militarized International Conflict, and Electoral Support for the Incumbent

Oct. 10, 2017

Singh, Shane P. and Jaroslav Tir. 2017. “Partisanship, Militarized International Conflict, and Electoral Support for the Incumbent.” Political AVʪ Quarterly. Abstract: Comparative politics scholarship often neglects to consider how militarized interstate disputes (MIDs) shape political behavior. In this project, we advance an argument that considers voter responses to international conflict...


Drivers of adaptation: Responses to weather- and climate-related hazards in 60 local governments in the Intermountain Western U.S.

Sept. 25, 2017

Lisa Dilling, Elise Pizzi, John Berggren, Ashwin Ravikumar, Krister Andersson Abstract: Cities are key sites of action for adaptation to climate change. However, there are a wide variety of responses to hazards at the municipal level. Why do communities take adaptive action in the face of weather- and climate-related risk?...


Local Politics of Environmental Disaster Risk Management: Institutional Analysis and Lessons from Chile.

Sept. 25, 2017

Valdivieso, P. and Andersson, K. Abstract: Why do some local governments successfully address issues related to environmental disaster risk management (EDRM), while others do not? This research contributes to a growing literature about the relationships between institutions, multilevel governance, and EDRM at the local level in developing countries. Supported by...


Local Politics of Forest Governance: Why NGO Support Can Reduce Local Government Responsiveness

Sept. 25, 2017

Cook, Nathan J., Wright, Glenn D., Andersson, Krister P. Abstract: Concerned with the challenges of sustainable development, policy makers and scholars often urge nongovernmental organizations to increase their efforts to support governance of natural resources in developing countries. How does funding from external NGOs influence the responsiveness of local government...


Institutional Drivers of Adaptation in Local Government Decision Making: Evidence from Chile. Climatic Change.

Sept. 25, 2017

Valdivieso, P.E., Andersson, K.P., Villena-Roldan, B. 2017. Abstract: We study how the local institutional context shapes local government decisions about responses to perceived threats of natural disasters and climatic change. We draw on institutional theories and field observations to develop hypotheses about the effects of municipal institutional arrangements, social capital,...


Responding to a Groundwater Crisis: The Effects of Self-Imposed Economic Incentives

Sept. 25, 2017

Steven M. Smith, Krister Andersson, Kelsey C. Cody, Michael Cox, and Darren Ficklin Abstract: Many globally important groundwater aquifers are under considerable stress as withdrawals, predominantly for irrigation, outpace recharge. Meanwhile, groundwater policy to address the common-pool resource losses remains in its nascent stage. This study analyzes a recent and...


Have Your Cake and Eat It Too? Cointegration and Dynamic Inference from Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models

Sept. 19, 2017

Abstract: Although recent articles have stressed the importance of testing for unit roots and cointegration in time-series analysis, practitioners have been left without a straightforward procedure to implement this advice. I propose using the autoregressive distributed lag model and bounds cointegration test as an approach to dealingwith some of themost...
