Making a Report

Individuals who have been subjected to protected-class discrimination or harassment, sexual assault or other forms of sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence (including dating or domestic violence), stalking, or related retaliation have several options for reporting. Depending on the nature of the alleged conduct, individuals may pursue a university process, a criminal process, both processes, or neither.

OIEC Resolution Procedures are separate from any law enforcement or other court process, such as a civil lawsuit or criminal prosecution, that may be related to an incident reported to our office.

The Office of Victim Assistance can confidentially talk through the different options for reporting a complaint to the university or to law enforcement, and assist with seeking medical assistance or orders of protection through the courts.

Any incident of sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence (including dating and domestic violence), stalking, protected-class discrimination or harassment, or related retaliation can be reported to the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) at 303-492-2127; by email at; or through the  (anonymous reporting option available).

Many behaviors prohibited by university policies may also violate Colorado law and can be reported directly to law enforcement.

University of Colorado Boulder Police Department, 303-492-6666 or 911. There is also an option to make an anonymous report online.

, 303-441-3333 or 911

Privacy of Reports to OIEC

Reports received by OIEC are documented for record-keeping and tracking purposes. All records, reports, and investigative evidence maintained by OIEC are private and are only shared with university employees who have a legitimate need to know. Information is not shared publicly except as authorized by an applicable party or as required by law (including court order or subpoena) or authorized government agency. For more information regarding student records, please refer to Section H(10) of the OIEC Resolution Procedures.

Report to OIEC

  Phone: 303-492-2127
   Email OIEC

About Anonymous Reporting
People can contact OIEC to talk generally about a concern without revealing the identity of the individuals involved to better understand the options for addressing the situation. Individuals can also report anonymously for themselves through the online form. Limited action can be taken based on anonymous reports.

Responsible employees reporting for someone else may not report anonymously.