The primary objective of the PhD degree program is to educate students to the highest levels of their chosenfield to enable them to make lasting impacts to fundamental knowledge, technology, and societythrough research. PhD students are expected to become domain experts and complete research thatcan withstand the rigorous test of external peer review.

We offer funding toall PhD applicants whom we admit. Our department anticipates extending full funding to about 75Fall 2025 PhD applicants. Funding includes:

  • a graduate student salary,
  • tuition remission,
  • mandatory student fees, and
  • 91% health insurance coverage.

In your first year, you will befunded by the departmentas a Teaching Assistant (TA) for one semester and as a AVʪ Assistant (RA) for the other semester, which enables youto find a research lab and to practice working in a classroom setting.Faculty with alternate sources of funding may petition the department to waive the TA requirement for first year students in their lab. In your second year and beyond, you will be funded by a research advisor as an RA or through other fellowships, pending reasonable research progress and academic performance. If your research advisor has a funding gap, they can apply to the department for gap funding. This way, students have a safety net so that they can continue to be funded throughout their PhD program.

For informationabout applying to the PhD program,please visitPhD Admissionor email