Educators Moving towards Collective Liberation

Educators Moving Towards Collective Liberation: Reflections on the #EIEJ2021

Sara Staley is an Assistant Professor of Teacher Learning, AVĂűĘŞ, and Practice at the University of Colorado Boulder School of Education. She studies how educators learn and enact queer-inclusive and anti-oppressive practices. Bethy Leonardi is an Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice at the University of Colorado Boulder...

Controversial for Whom?

The author, a white woman, reflects on her experience as a classroom teacher, in a white male-dominant culture. In this piece, the author argues that the time has come to be brave and speak our truths to move toward equity and inclusion.

Equity and Justice

This submission features a drawing created by an elementary school teacher and participant at the 2021 Educators Institute for Equity and Justice. The author created this drawing in response to Queering the Teacher’s Lounge keynote.

Educators Moving towards Collective Liberation-Conference Presenter’s Perspective

This essay summarizes one facilitator’s conference presentation and their overall perspective of the conference. The presentation was intended for teachers and parents to work towards developing support for LGBTQ+ students in learning environments. The summary is written as an overview to spark the seed toward becoming anti-biased individuals.

Back to School: A Collective Zine from A Queer Endeavor EIEJ

This submission features a collaborative zine created during the Meet in the Middle session at the 2021 Educator Institute for Equity and Justice.

Preparing a New Wave of Critical and Socially Just Educators: Reflections of a Teacher Educator

This reflection provides insight into how a common literacy practice in an elementary school classroom, such as a read aloud, can be used to spark critical conversations and to show solidarity with historically underrepresented students.

LGBTQ+: An Imagined Community

This short, reflexive prose essay offers a series of “I” statements along with critical self-reflection and inquiries. These statements reflect the author’s process of learning, acknowledging, and disrupting taken-for-granted language. This contribution is meant for anyone who uses “LGBTQ+ community” in writing and everyday speech.

Co-designing Educator Spaces for Collective Liberation: A Photographic Essay

This photographic essay features pictures and short reflections from members of the Educator Institute for Equity and Justice team. These photographs and reflections represent the intentionally designed spaces at the institute.