Our Faculty Fellows govern the institute and help lead INSTAAR's research and education missions. Reach out to individual fellows for information about joining INSTAAR, especially if you are a prospective student or staff member. INSTAAR's Director is Nikki Lovenduski.

Portrait of Bob Anderson
Robert S. Anderson
Distinguished Professor
• Geomorphology
Geological Sciences • Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program
Portrait of Suzanne Anderson
Suzanne Anderson
• Geomorphology • Weathering • Hydrology
Geological Sciences • Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program
Picture of Holly Barnard
Holly R. Barnard
Associate Dean of AV名湿ProfessorCo-Director, Hydrologic Sciences Graduate ProgramPI, Critical Zone Dynamic Water
• Ecohydrology • Tree physiology • Stable isotope geochemistry
Geography • Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program
Picture of Cassandra Brooks
Cassandra Brooks
Associate Professor
• Marine science • Environmental governance • Antarctica
Environmental Studies
Sisimac Duchicela
Sisimac Duchicela
Assistant Professor
• Tropical alpine ecology • Biogeography
Picture of Sarah Elmendorf
Sarah Elmendorf
AV名湿 Associate
• Plant ecology • Climate change • Tundra
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Picture of Alan Fried
Alan Fried
Senior AV名湿 Associate
• Atmospheric processes • Chemical transformations • Advanced laser technology
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Picture of Michael Gooseff
Michael Gooseff
Associate Dean for AV名湿, College of EngineeringProfessorCo-Director, Hydrologic Sciences ProgramPI, McMurdo Dry Valleys LTER
• Stream-groundwater interactions
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering • Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program
Portrait of Alexandra Jahn
Alexandra Jahn
Associate Professor
• Climate modeling • Cryosphere • Oceanography
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Portrait of Anne Jennings
Anne Jennings
Senior AV名湿 AssociateEditor, Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine AV名湿
• Arctic paleoclimate & paleoceanography • Ice-sheet/ocean interactions • Foraminifera
Picture of Tyler Jones
Tyler Jones
Assistant AV名湿 Professor
• Polar ice cores • Permafrost • Glaciology • Abrupt climate change
Portrait of Albert Kettner
Albert J. Kettner
Associate Professor, AV名湿Associate Director, INSTAARDirector, DFO Flood Observatory
• Hydrology • Sediment transport • Flooding • Numerical modeling
Jianghanyang (Ben) Li
Jianghanyang (Ben) Li
Assistant Professor
• Atmospheric chemistry • Stable isotope geochemistry
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Portrait of Nikki Lovenduski
Nikki Lovenduski
ProfessorDirector, INSTAAR
• Marine carbon cycle • Climate variability • Ocean modeling
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences • Graduate Certificate in Oceanography
Picture of Tom Marchitto
Tom Marchitto
ProfessorAssociate Director of Laboratories, INSTAARDirector, ICP-MS Trace Metal Laboratory
• Paleoceanography • Paleoclimatology
Geological Sciences • Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Picture of Brad Markle
Bradley Markle
Assistant Professor
• Isotope biogeochemistry • Paleoclimate and climate dynamics
Geological Sciences
Portrait of Diane McKnight
Diane M. McKnight
Distinguished Professor
• Limnology • Biogeochemistry of lakes and streams
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering • Environmental Studies • Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program
Picture of Giff Miller
Gifford H. Miller
Distinguished ProfessorDirector, Center for Geochemical Analysis of the Global Environment (GAGE)
• Quaternary stratigraphy • Geochronology • Paleoclimatology
Geological Sciences
Picture of Noah Molotch
Noah P. Molotch
Associate Professor
• Surface water and snow hydrology • Remote sensing • Ecohydrology
Geography • Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program
Portrait of Julia Moriarty
Julia Moriarty
Assistant Professor
• Coastal oceanography • Numerical modeling • Sediment transport • Biogeochemistry
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Photo of Keith Musselman
Keith Musselman
Assistant Professor
• Hydrology • Climate change • Hydrometeorology • Remote sensing • Modeling
Picture of Astrid Ogilvie
Astrid E. J. Ogilvie
Senior AV名湿 AssociateSenior Scientist, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland
• Human ecology of Arctic and subarctic regions
Environmental Studies
Photo of Isabella A. Oleksy
Isabella A. Oleksy
Assistant Professor
• Limnology • Biogeochemistry • Ecosystem ecology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Portrait of Irina Overeem
Irina Overeem
Associate ProfessorDeputy Director, CSDMS
• Earth surface process modeling • Coastal and river geomorphology
Geological Sciences
Portrait of Scott Peckham
Scott D. Peckham
AV名湿 Associate
• Hydrology • Geomorphology • Modeling • Cyberinfrastructure
Photo of Shaily Rahman
Shaily Rahman
Assistant Professor
• Isotope biogeochemistry • Chemical oceanography • Global geochemical cycles
Geological Sciences
Picture of Tim Seastedt
Tim Seastedt
Professor Emeritus
• Terrestrial ecosystem ecology • Grassland ecology • Plant-soil-animal interactions
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Picture of Julio Sep煤lveda
Julio Sep煤lveda
Associate ProfessorAssociate Director of JEDI, INSTAAR
• Biogeochemistry • Geobiology • Biomarker research • Paleoclimate & paleoceanography
Geological Sciences
Picture of Sarah Spaulding
Sarah Spaulding
AV名湿 AssociateEcologist, U.S. Geological Survey
• Diatoms • Biogeography • Paleoecology
Picture of Robert Stallard
Robert F. Stallard
Professor AdjointScientist Emeritus, U.S. Geological SurveyAV名湿 Scientist, Smithsonian Tropical AV名湿 Institute, Panama
• Biogeochemistry • Hydrology
Environmental Studies
Portrait of Katharine Suding
Katharine Suding
Distinguished ProfessorPI, Niwot Ridge LTER
• Plant community ecology • Restoration and conservation • Invasion biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Picture of Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor
Associate ProfessorDirector, Mountain AV名湿 Station
• Evolutionary ecology • Population genomics
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Picture of Bruce Vaughn
Bruce H. Vaughn
AV名湿 AssociateManager, Stable Isotope Lab
• Isotopic analysis in global change • Carbon cycle • Instrument development
Portrait of Jim White
James W. C. White
Craver Family Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel HillFellow in absentia
• Global change • Paleoclimate dynamics • Biogeochemistry