Journal Publications

  • R. A. Braker and L. Y. Pao, ","ÌýIEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 63(6): 1676-1691, June 2018.Ìý
  • Ìýand L. Y. Pao, "Optimal Blade Pitch Control with Realistic Preview Wind Measurements,"ÌýWind Energy, 19(12): 2153-2169, Dec. 2016.Ìý
  • , N. Angelou, T. Mikkelsen, M. Sjoholm, J. Mann, and L. Y. Pao, "Characterization of Wind Velocities in the Upstream Induction Zone of a Wind Turbine using Scanning Continuous-Wave Lidars,"ÌýJ. Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 8(1), 013301, pp. 1-26, Jan. 2016.
  • P. Fleming,Ìý, A. D. Buckspan, E. Ela, Y. Zhang, V. Gevorgian, A. Scholbrock, L. Pao, and R. Damiani, "Effects of Power Reserve Control on Wind Turbine Structural Loading,"ÌýWind Energy, 19(3): 453-469, Mar. 2016.Ìý
  • Ìýand L. Y. Pao, "Evaluation of a Wind Speed Estimator for Hub-Height and Shear Components,"ÌýWind Energy, 19(1): 167-184, Jan. 2016.
  • P. M. O. Gebraad, F. W. Teeuwisse, J. W. van Wingerden, P. A. Fleming, S. D. Ruben, J. R. Marden, and L. Y. Pao, "Wind Plant Power Optimization through Yaw Control Using a Parametric Model for Wake Effects,"ÌýWind Energy, 19(1): 95-114, Jan. 2016.Ìý
  • , E. Simley, F. Lemmer, L. Pao, P. W. Cheng, "Collective Pitch Feedforward Control of Floating Wind Turbines Using Lidar,"ÌýJ. Ocean and Wind Energy, 2(4): 223-230, Nov. 2015.
  • J. R. Marden, H. P. Young, and L. Y. Pao, "Achieving Pareto Optimality through Distributed Learning,"ÌýSIAM J. Control & Optimization, 52(5): 2753-2770, Oct. 2014.ÌýRecipient of the 2015Ìý.
  • S. Shajiee, L. Y. Pao, and R. R. McLeod, "Optimizing the Layout of Heaters for Distributed Active De-icing of Wind Turbine Blades,"ÌýWind Engineering, Vol. 38(6): 587-600, Dec. 2014.
  • S. Shajiee, L. Y. Pao, and R. R. McLeod, "Monitoring Ice Accumulation and Active De-Icing Control of Wind Turbine Blades," chapter inÌý, Springer,ÌýAdvances in Industrial ControlÌýseries, edited by N. Luo, Y. Vidal, and L. Acho, 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-08412-1.
  • L. Y. Pao, "Active Power Control of Wind Power Plants for Grid Integration," article inÌý, edited by J. Baillieul and T. Samad, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_272-1, Springer-Verlag London 2014.Ìý
  • I. P. Girsang, J. S. Dhupia, E. Muljadi, M. Singh, and L. Y. Pao, "Gearbox and Drivetrain Models to Study Dynamic Effects of Modern Wind Turbines,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Industry Applications, 50(6): 3777-3786, Nov. 2014.Ìý
  • , L. Y. Pao, R. Frehlich, B. Jonkman, and N. Kelley. "Analysis of Light Detection and Ranging Wind Speed Measurements for Wind Turbine Control,"ÌýWind Energy, 17(3): 413-433, March 2014.Ìý
  • N. Bernstein,Ìý, and L. Y. Pao. "Dynamics Modeling for Parallel Haptic Interfaces with Force Sensing and Control,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Haptics, 6(4): 429-439, Oct.-Dec. 2013.Ìý
  • , A. D. Buckspan,Ìý, and L. Y. Pao, "Controlling Wind Energy for Utility Grid Reliability,"ÌýASME Dynamic Systems and Control Magazine, 1(3): 4-12, Sept. 2013.Ìý
  • ,Ìý, and L. Y. Pao. "A Model-Free Approach to Wind Farm Control using Game Theoretic Methods,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, 21(4): 1207-1214, July 2013.Ìý
  • J. A. Butterworth, L. Y. Pao, andÌý. "Analysis and Comparison of Three Discrete-Time Feedforward Model-Inverse Control Techniques for Nonminimum-Pase Systems,"ÌýMechatronics, 22(5): 577-587, Aug. 2012.Ìý
  • J. A. Butterworth, L. Y. Pao, andÌý. "A Discrete-Time Single-Parameter Combined Feedforward/Feedback Adaptive-Delay Algorithm with Applications to Piezo-Based Raster Tracking,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, 20(2): 416-423, March 2012.Ìý
  • V. V. Kulkarni, L. Y. Pao, and M. Safonov. "On Stability Analysis of Systems Featuring a Multiplicative Combination of Nonlinear and Linear Time-Invariant Feedback,"ÌýInt. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control, 21(18): 2101-2108, Dec. 2011.Ìý
  • J. Laks, L. Y. Pao, A. D. Wright, N. Kelley, and B. Jonkman. "The Use of Preview Wind Measurements for Blade Pitch Control,"ÌýIFAC J. Mechatronics, 21(4): 668-681, June 2011.Ìý
  • , L. Y. Pao, A. D. Wright, B. Jonkman, and N. Kelley. "Adding Feedforward Blade Pitch Control to Standard Feedback Controllers for Load Mitigation in Wind Turbines,"ÌýIFAC J. Mechatronics, 21(4): 682-690, June 2011.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao andÌý, "Control of Wind Turbines: Approaches, Challenges, and Recent Developments,"ÌýIEEE Control Systems Magazine, 31(2): 44-62, April 2011.ÌýRecipient of the 2012Ìý.Ìý
  • V. V. Kulkarni, L. Y. Pao, and M. G. Safonov, "Positivity Preservation Properties of the Rantzer Multipliers,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 56(1): 190-194, Jan. 2011.Ìý
  • , L. Y. Pao, andÌý. ","ÌýIFAC J. Mechatronics, 20(1): 35-44, Feb. 2010.Ìý
  • V. V. Kulkarni, V. Kareenhalli, P. Malakar, L. Y. Pao, M. G. Safonov, and G. A. Viswanathan, "Stability Analysis of the GAL Regulatory Network in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Kluveromycetes Lactis,"ÌýBioinformatics, Vol. 11, Suppl. 1, Jan. 2010.Ìý
  • , L. Y. Pao, andÌý. ","ÌýIEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, 17(5): 989-1005, Sept. 2009.Ìý
  • Jeffrey A. Butterworth, L. Y. Pao, andÌý. ","ÌýAsian J. Control, 11(2): 175-181, March 2009.ÌýÌý
  • V. Yousefzadeh, A. Babazadeh, B. Ramachandran, E. Alarcon, L. Pao, and D. Maksimovic. ","ÌýIEEE Trans. Power Electronics, 23(4): 2018-2026, July 2008.Ìý
  • M. D. Baumgart and L. Y. Pao. "Discrete Time-Optimal Command Shaping,"ÌýAutomatica, 43(8): 1403-1409, Aug. 2007.Ìý
  • M. D. Baumgart and L. Y. Pao. ","ÌýASME J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 129(1): 41-55, Jan. 2007.Ìý
  • , L. Y. Pao, M. J. Balas, and L. J. Fingersh. ","ÌýIEEE Control Systems Magazine, 26(3): 70-81, June 2006.Ìý
  • C. La-orpacharapan and L. Y. Pao. "Fast and Robust Control of Systems with Multiple Flexible Modes,"ÌýIEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, 10(5): 521-534, Oct. 2005.Ìý
  • Ìýand L. Y. Pao. "Variance Estimation and Ranking of Target Tracking Position Errors Modeled Using Gaussian Mixture Distributions,"ÌýAutomatica, 41(8): 1433-1438, Aug. 2005.Ìý
  • M. D. Baumgart and L. Y. Pao. "Time-Optimal Control of Web-Winding Systems with Air Entrainment,"ÌýIEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, 10(3): 257-262, June 2005.Ìý
  • M. Kalandros and L. Y. Pao. "Covariance Control Strategies for Reducing Bias Effects in Interacting Target Scenarios,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Aerospace Electronic Systems, 41(1): 153-173, Jan. 2005.Ìý
    • L. Y. Pao. "AVÃûʪ in Control Systems, Sensor Fusion, and Haptic Interfaces,"ÌýActa Automatica Sinica, 31(1): 75-83, Jan. 2005.
  • K. E. Johnson, L. Fingersh, M. Balas, and L. Y. Pao. ","ÌýASME J. Solar Energy Engineering, 126(4): 1092-1100, Nov. 2004.Ìý
  • , L. Y. Pao, C. D. Lee, and R. Y. Novoselov. ","ÌýIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 24(6): 22-30, Nov.-Dec. 2004.Ìý
  • C. D. Lee,Ìý, L. Y. Pao. "Isotropic Force Control for Haptic Interfaces,"ÌýControl Engineering Practice, 12(11): 1423-1436, Nov. 2004.Ìý
  • M. Kalandros and L. Y. Pao. "Covariance Control for Sensor Management in Cluttered Tracking Environments,"ÌýAIAA J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 27(3): 493-496, May-June 2004.Ìý
  • C. F. Cutforth and L. Y. Pao. "Adaptive Input Shaping Techniques for Maneuvering Flexible Structures,"ÌýAutomatica, 40(4): 685-693, April 2004.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao and C. La-orpacharapan. "Shaped Time-Optimal Feedback Controllers for Flexible Structures,"ÌýASME J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 126(1): 173-186, Mar. 2004.Ìý
  • C. La-orpacharapan and L. Y. Pao. "Shaped Phase-Plane Feedback Control for Disk Drive Systems,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Magnetics, 40(1): 85-96, Jan. 2004.Ìý
  • Ìýand L. Y. Pao. "Computing Budget Allocation for Efficient Ranking and Selection of Variances with Application to Target Tracking Algorithms,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 49(1): 58-67, Jan. 2004.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao and C. F. Cutforth. "On Frequency-Domain and Time-Domain Input Shaping for Multi-mode Flexible Structures,"ÌýASME J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 125(3): 494-497, Sept. 2003.Ìý
  • M. A. Lau and L. Y. Pao. "Input Shaping and Time-Optimal Control of Flexible Structures,"ÌýAutomatica, 39(5): 893-900, May 2003.Ìý
  • C. F. Cutforth and L. Y. Pao. "Control Using Equal Length Shaped Commands to Reduce Vibration,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, 11(1): 62-72, Jan. 2003.Ìý
  • M. Kalandros and L. Y. Pao. "Covariance Control for Multisensor Systems,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Aerospace Electronic Systems, 38(4): 1138-1157, Oct. 2002.Ìý
  • M. A. Lau and L. Y. Pao. "Characteristics of Time-Optimal Commands for Flexible Structures with Limited Fuel Usage,"ÌýJ. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 25(2): 222-231, Mar.-Apr. 2002.Ìý
  • , L. Y. Pao,Ìý, M. A. Salada, and Y. Pavlou. "Rate-Hardness: A New Performance Metric for Haptic Interfaces,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation, 16(4): 357-371, Aug. 2000.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao andÌý. "The Optimal Order of Processing Sensor Information in Sequential Multisensor Fusion Algorithms,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 45(8): 1532-1536, Aug. 2000.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao and M. A. Lau. "Robust Input Shaper Control Design for Parameter Variations in Flexible Structures,"ÌýASME J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 122(1): 63-70, March 2000.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao and M. A. Lau. "The Expected Residual Vibration of Traditional and Hybrid Input Shaping Designs,"ÌýJ. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 22(1): 162-165, Jan.-Feb. 1999.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao. "Multi-Input Shaping Design for Vibration Reduction,"ÌýAutomatica, 35(1): 81-89, Jan. 1999.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao andÌý. "Robust Minimum Time Control of Flexible Structures,"ÌýAutomatica, 34(2): 229-236, Feb. 1998.Ìý
  • C. W. Frei and L. Y. Pao. "Alternatives to Monte Carlo Simulation Evaluations of Two Multisensor Fusion Algorithms,"ÌýAutomatica, 34(1): 103-110, Jan. 1998.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao. "An Analysis of the Frequency, Damping, and Total Insensitivities of Input Shaping Designs,"ÌýJ. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 20(5): 909-915, Sept.-Oct. 1997.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao andÌý. "Verifying Robust Time-Optimal Commands for Multi-Mode Flexible Spacecraft,"ÌýJ. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 20(4): 831-833, July-Aug. 1997.Ìý
  • Ìýand L. Y. Pao. ","ÌýControl Engineering Practice, 5(4): 459-467, Apr. 1997.Ìý
  • , L. Y. Pao, andÌý. "Slewing Multimode Flexible Spacecraft with Zero Derivative Robustness Constraints,"ÌýJ. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 20(1): 204-206, Jan.-Feb. 1997.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao.Ìý"A Measurement Reconstruction Approach for Distributed Multisensor Fusion,"ÌýJ. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 19(4): 842-847, July-Aug. 1996.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao.Ìý"Minimum-Time Control Characteristics of Flexible Structures,"ÌýJ. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 19(1): 123-129, Jan.-Feb. 1996.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao.Ìý"Multisensor Multitarget Mixture Reduction Algorithms for Tracking,"ÌýJ. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 17(6): 1205-1211, Nov.-Dec. 1994.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao. "Centralized Multisensor Fusion Algorithms for Tracking Applications,"ÌýControl Engineering Practice, 2(5): 875-887, Oct. 1994.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao andÌý. "The Robustness of a Proximate Time-Optimal Controller,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 39(9): 1963-1966, Sept. 1994.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao andÌý. "Proximate Time-Optimal Control of Third-Order Servomechanisms,"ÌýIEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 38(4): 560-580, April 1993.Ìý
  • L. Y. Pao andÌý. "A Comparative Study of Proximate Time-Optimal Controllers for Type-2 Third-Order Servomechanisms,"ÌýASME Advances in Information Storage Systems, Vol. 4, pp. 317-328, 1992.Ìý