Adam Urness
Ph.D. • Apple
Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering Department


  • 2014Best Paper Awardat the SPIE
  • NSF Gradaute AVʪ Fellowship
  • 2010Best Student Poster Awardat theannual meeting
  • 2008 NSF IGERT Fellowship in Computational Sensing and Imaging (COSI)


  • A.C. Urness, K. Anderson, W. L. Wilson and R. R. McLeod,Optics Express23, pp. 264–273, 2015.
  • McLeod, R. R; Urness, A.; Cole, M.; Moore, E.; "" US Patent 9,034,568 (2015)
  • Benjamin A. Kowalski, Adam C. Urness, Martha-Elizabeth Baylor, Michael C. Cole, William L. Wilson, Robert R. McLeod,,” Optics Materials Express 4, pp. 1668-1682, 2014.
  • Urness, A. C, Cole, M. C, McLeod, R. R, "Liquid deposition photolithography for the fabrication of gradient index (GRIN) micro-optics," Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics VII, pp. 897402, 2014
  • Urness, AC, Anderson, K., Wilson, W. L, McLeod, R. R, "Arbitrary 2Dgrin lens fabrication in diffusive photopolymers," Light Manipulating Organic Materials and Devices, pp. 91810G, 2014
  • A.C. Urness, E.D. Moore, K.K. Kamysiak, M.C Cole and R.R McLeod,,” Light: Science & Applications2(Nature Publishing Group) , e56, 2013
  • Urness, A., McLeod, R., "Liquid deposition photolithography for photonic device fabrication," CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. CTh3J. 2, 2013
  • Adam Urness, Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering,, University of Colorado, 2013
  • Moore, E., Urness, A., Mcleod, R., "," Integrated Photonics AVʪ, Silicon and Nanophotonics, pp. ITu2B. 4, 2012
  • Urness, A., McLeod,R. R., , Joint International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, pp.OME2, 2011