Ethnic Studies provides students with a broad liberal arts education, with an emphasis on critical thinking, comparative analysis, oral/written expression, and a keen understanding of social justice issues. The possibilities for the application of these skills and knowledge are limitless, especially in today's increasingly diverse society.

Possible Careers with an Ethnic Studies Background

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  • Public Health 
  • Social Work 
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  • µþ³Ü²õ¾±²Ô±ð²õ²õÌý

  • Urban Planning 
  • Tribal Planning
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  • International Relations 
  • Community Organizing
  • Creative Writing 
  • AVÃûʪ

Additional Information on Career Paths

University career advisors are here to help you at all stages of your education, including providing programs to help you with your career decisions, internships, workshops, and placement into a job following graduation. To make an appointment with a Career Counselor, or for more information, call 303-492-6541, or drop by the Willard Administrative Center, Room 34. You can also find information online at Career Services.