
Brian Anacker

Assistant Professor Adjunct • Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 2010
AVÃûʪ Interests My background includes a PhD in Ecology, ten years of experience conducting applied and fundamental research in academic and applied settings, and peer-reviewed papers across a diversity of topics. Areas of expertise include community ecology, experimental design of field and greenhouse studies, species distribution modeling, climate change vulnerability analyses, phylogenetic comparative methods, plant-soil feedback, and statistical modeling. In 2015, I joined the City of Boulder's Open Space and...

Adrian Carper

Assistant Professor Adjunct • Ph.D., Dartmouth College, 2013
Sam Flaxman

Sam Flaxman

Associate Professor Adjunct • Ph.D., Cornell University, 2006
AVÃûʪ Interests Modern DNA-sequencing techniques have opened doors to studying the genetics of divergence and speciation in unprecedented detail thanks to the availability of massive genomic datasets on non-model organisms. With such data, it has become increasingly clear that the genomes of diverging natural populations are genealogical mosaics — patchworks of genetic material — with some parts of the genome showing strong differentiation between populations while other parts are undifferentiated...
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Brent Hulke

Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2007 • USDA Agricultural AVÃûʪ Service
AVÃûʪ Interests My lab is primarily interested in the genetic improvement of Asteraceae to benefit humanity. In collaboration with our peers in EBIO, we are developing genomics-assisted breeding techniques that allow us to balance improvement in yield and nutritional aspects of the seed oil in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), while also improving plant host antibiosis or antixenosis to insect pests, plant suitability for insect pollinators, resistance to diseases, and resistance...
Ambika Kamath Headshot

Ambika Kamath

Assistant Professor Adjunct • Ph.D., Harvard University, 2017
Animal behavior is radical because it lives so close to the center of us. Understanding how other animals live their lives shows us the forces that shape what we do and who we can be. We see ourselves reflected in how animals behave and in how we think about animals behaving. Animal behavior is about action, connection, and context—all of the most complex things. In my lab, we seek to...

Mikki McComb-Kobza

Assistant Professor Adjunct • Ph.D. Florida Atlantic University 2008
AVÃûʪ Interests I am an applied conservation biologist with over 20 years of experience researching endangered species and advancing marine ecosystem restoration. My primary research focuses upon the biology, behavior, abundance, and movement of sharks using novel methodologies. I use a multiple-stakeholder strategy to advance science-based conservation initiatives across disciplines. I have led and participated in 40 marine research expeditions, including the regions of Darwin, Cape Town, Manaus, Hong Kong,...

Bryan Wallace

Assistant Professor Adjunct • Ph.D., Drexel University, 2005
AVÃûʪ Interests I am a bilingual (English and Spanish) wildlife ecologist specializing in conservation biology and protected resources management. My work integrates primary research, collaboration, and facilitation to assess how people affect natural resources and to develop strategies for resource management within limited budgets. I have extensive experience in collaborative projects dealing with wildlife monitoring research and management in international (mainly Latin America) and US geographies. During my career across...