Curriculum Vitae

A Curriculum Vitae, or CV, is a complete account of your academic career. It's longer than a resume and is more all-inclusive. For now your CV may be a little short, but it will grow with your career. Most private sector employers will want to see a resume, discussed elsewhere, but academic jobs will require a CV. For individual help and general resources, see Career Services.

There are a lot of examples out on the web, and we have a file available on the and on the . Here are some ideas to get started:



  • Degrees (e.g. BS Physics), date of degree or expected date

  • Major GPA

  • Classes taken, e.g. specialty classes that exhibit relevant knowledge


  • Paid or volunteer, doesn't matter

  • Project, advisor

  • Techniques, methods used

  • Outcomes

  • Publications or conferences?


  • Jobs other than research jobs

  • Specifics of what you did, especially if those skills are transferable


  • Programming languages (Python, C++, Java, etc.), software (Matlab, Mathematica, etc.), operating systems (UNIX, etc.)

  • Electronics/lab skills

  • Statistical and other applied mathematical skills

  • Foreign languages

  • If you've managed a budget, this is good, too

  • Supervising other people

  • Communications skills -- need to be specific here (talks, teaching, publications, posters) 


  • Scholarships, awards, recognitions


  • Professional society memberships

  • Clubs

  • Teaching, tutoring, mentoring, outreach, volunteer work

Put down everything you can possibly think of and then get feedback (from Career Center, for example) about what should stay, what should go, and how to improve the organization.

While we work hard to keep this website up to date, some details may slip through the cracks, so always verify important information (e.g. requirements, deadlines) with the source websites linked. If you find anything false or outdated, please send an email to