Bi-Functional On Orbit Space Transfers (BOOST)

Description: Team BOOST is developing a cost-effective space-based transportation system capable of providing spacecraft with the ability to conduct orbit transfers while simultaneously optimizing maneuver cost, power requirements, and navigation services. The system architecture will provide users the capability to conduct an orbit transfer to trajectories of interest through a transfer of energy while successfully navigating itself and other spacecraft. BOOST will be conducting trades studies on each of the chosen high-level objectives of navigation, power services, and return on investment to design a cislunar infrastructure that will find the ideal solution to this problem.

Mentor: Ball Aerospace

Team Members: Riana Gagnon (PM), Tycho Cinquini, Avery Gillespie, Wesley Gilliam, Luca Herlein, Chieri Kamada, Colton Massic, Rishi Mayekar, Zach Rochman

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