Graduate in cap and gown and holding a diploma

Steps for landing a job before graduation

March 5, 2024

There is still time for you to secure a job that aligns with your career goals before graduation. Learn more about how to plan for life after college, find a job and graduate ready for your next step.

young person working on a laptop

There’s still time to gain experience for your job search

March 1, 2024

Don’t stress about gaps in your resume. Take action! Do one or more of the work-based experiences offered at CU, or use Handshake to find an internship.

students listen to Professor Eric Cornell's lecture

3 ways to help students connect classroom learning to future careers

Feb. 23, 2024

Faculty and staff can help students gain confidence and feel ready for life after graduation. Here are ways you can help students connect what you are teaching them in your classes to the skills they need to launch their careers.

student employee working in WeatherTech Cafe

How to make the most of your student job

Feb. 14, 2024

For some students, working on campus may be your first job. You can enhance your experience by learning how to contribute in a way that benefits both you and your team. Here are a few tips to make the most of your student job.

coworkers interacting

How to gain professional experience during the spring semester

Feb. 12, 2024

Now is an excellent time to start thinking about what you can do this spring and summer for your future career success. Learn more about opportunities for gaining professional experience.

Student speaking with an employer at the Just In Time Career Fair

How to start your job or internship search

Feb. 2, 2024

While industries may follow different hiring timelines, many companies are actively recruiting CU Boulder students for a variety of positions. Career Services offers resources to help you in your job and internship search.

students studying

Free resources to support your job or internship search

Dec. 15, 2023

Career Services offers free on-demand tools to explore career options, find internship and job postings, update your resume and more.

Journey Leaders navigate a rope course

5 ways to build foundational skills as a student

Nov. 15, 2023

While you are learning professional skills in the courses you take, you can also develop skills during your time at CU Boulder through the activities you pursue. Here are ways to develop foundational skills as a student.

Coworkers collaborating

3 reasons to bring real-world projects into your classroom

Nov. 10, 2023

Career Services is partnering with Riipen to offer an experiential learning marketplace, allowing faculty and staff to add projects to their courses or programs easily. Learn more, plus register for a virtual info session on Dec. 4.

Networking night

Top career workshops every student should attend

Oct. 23, 2023

Whether you're starting your job or internship search, looking to build skills or need resume help, Career Services offers a variety of workshops to support students throughout their academic journey and prepare for life after CU.
