Published: April 1, 2020

When you can’t go outside, go inside. In these challenging times, breathing and meditation can help us settle our minds andprovide physical and emotional strength.

The is offering daily (Monday–Friday) guided meditations and twoonline SKY Happiness Retreats this April, open to all students, staff and faculty on campus. Full scholarships are available.

The retreat is sponsored by Arts and Sciences Student Government, Student Organization Allocations Committee andCU Boulder Student Governmentrepresentative council funding boards.

The workshop

The SKY workshopoffers techniques to eliminate stress, improve vitality and expand awareness. During the workshop, you will learnto live fully in the present moment and get a chance to dive deep into the joy hidden inside you.The programis fun, relaxing and a much needed recourse in these testing times.

The retreat

This retreat is offered in 40 universities across the country, including Stanford, Arizona State, Ohio State and MIT.It is one of the coolest places to connect with yourself, make awesome friendsand have fun!

Learn, experience, flourish

  • Understandthe sources of stress and the role of breathing techniques in reducing stress
  • Meditative practiceto manage negative emotions and anxiety
  • Help to improve quality of sleep
  • Increased energy level throughout the day
  • Ability toincrease personalhappiness
  • Learning to deal with criticism and mistakes
  • Taking personal and community responsibility
  • Increasing social connection, enthusiasm, and inspiration

If you go

  • April 11–13: 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.Saturday and Sunday, 6–8:45 p.m. Monday
  • April 17–19: 6–8:45 p.m.Friday, 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.Saturday and Sunday

There are limited spots available for this retreat. Availability is first-come, first-served and requires attendance to all sessions. or with questions.

Revolutionized my daily life. As a busy student with a job, my plate is always full, I highly recommend making time for this course to reduce stress and improve focus.”–Bryn, USM Law

I was practicing meditation for fiveyearsand it was difficult. During the first session ofSKY, I went so much deeper into meditation than I had ever gone.”–Santosh, UIUC

SKYmade me very conscious of my thought patterns, and conscious of a sense of self that exists independent of those thoughts and different moods. Ihave founda daily practice that is something I’m relying on. (And this finals period has been largely stress free, mainly because meditating removes most of that stress!)”–Sarah, Harvard