Published: Oct. 17, 2019

Provost Russell Moore today announced the formation of a committee to launch a national search for a new dean of the College of Music.

Provost Russell MooreIn July, the college’s current dean, Robert Shay, announced his intention to step downas dean in October 2020. Shay is on a leave of absence while undergoing medical treatment, and Senior Associate Dean John Davis is serving as acting dean of the college.

“We will be seeking a special leader of vision and ability to build upon Dean Shay’s achievements and carry our world-class College of Music to its next great era of success,” Moore said.

Moore named Senior Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Assessment Katherine Eggert chair of the search committee, which is charged with delivering finalists to the campus in the fall of 2020.

The committee will begin meeting immediately. Its other members include the following:

  • Margaret Berg, associate professor, music education; associate dean of graduate studies
  • Bud Coleman, professor, theatre and dance
  • John Gunther, associate professor, jazz studies; director, Thompson Jazz Studies Program
  • Carrie Howard, assistant dean for budget and finance
  • David Korevaar, distinguished professor, piano; Helen and Peter Weil Faculty Fellow
  • Rebecca Maloy, professor, musicology;director, Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies;Erismann Faculty Fellow
  • Abigail Nims, assistant professor, voice
  • Austin Okigbo, associate professor, ethnomusicology; chair, musicology; director, World Vocal Ensemble
  • Harumi Rhodes, associate professor, violin; member, Takacs Quartet; Ralph E. and Barbara L. Christofferson Faculty Fellow
  • Mikhy Ritter, chair, College of Music Advisory Board; alumna
  • Matt Roeder, associate professor, conducting and music education; associate dean for undergraduate studies and enrollment management
  • Courtney Rowe, assistant dean, advancement
  • Chandler Spoon, graduate student
  • Susan Thomas, professor, musicology; director, American Music AVʪ Center