Published: Sept. 19, 2016

Are you hoping to adopt accessible pedagogy practices or make your course more accessible? Then you should apply for . The $1,000 fellowship award can be used for travel to an accessibility or professional conference, or used for materials for classroom use.

If you are committed to providing excellent and inclusive learning experiences for all students; if you are interested in using new technologies; if you would be excited to further your professional experience through an award; and if you want to stand out as a leader in your field: we want you to apply!

Universal Design (UD) Fellows will engage in a partnership with OIT’s Universal Instructional Design Consultant to redesign a course (or substantial portion of a course) to be fully accessible according to CU’s 2015 Accessibility Policy. Under this new policy, the campus is moving toward a goal of full accessibility by fiscal year 2018, and this program has been created to support and recognize leaders across campus in this regard. UD Fellows receive a prestigious award and join a cohort of UD Fellows who collectively act as advocates for the OIT Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Accessibility program.

A computer surrounded with symbols of accessibility