Published: Sept. 3, 2014

U.S. Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonin Scalia will deliver the fourth annual John Paul Stevens Lecture hosted by the Byron R. White Center and the University of Colorado Law School on Wednesday, Oct. 1.

The event will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Macky Auditorium on the CU-Boulder campus. A limited number of seats are available to the lecture for the general public at no cost. To register for tickets visit the center’s website at .

Each year, the White Center brings a distinguished jurist to Boulder for a public lecture about the state of the judiciary through the Stevens Lecture. Previous speakers include Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sandra Day O’Connor.

The 2014 lecture is titled “Constitutional Interpretation.” Nearly 1,000 people attended the lecture for each of the past two years, with additional audiences watching via live video stream at the Wolf Law Building and satellite locations at colleges throughout Colorado.

This year’s lecture will be live video streamed to Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Fort Lewis College in Durango, Western State Colorado University in Gunnison and the University of Wyoming Law School in Laramie. High school students will travel to CU-Boulder to attend the lecture from Glenwood Springs High School and from Liberty Common High School and Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins.

Scalia’s lecture also serves as the keynote address for the Gathering of the Bench and Bar Conference, hosted by Colorado Law Oct. 1-3 and for the 22nd Annual Ira C. Rothgerber Conference, which will take place Oct. 2. ĚýThis year’s Rothgerber Conference, “Litigating Constitutional Change,” will bring scholars and lawyers to the law school to discuss the people and the strategies that have shaped litigation on the Second Amendment, gay marriage, voting rights, abortion and other controversial constitutional questions.

Scalia earned his bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University in 1957 and his law degree from Harvard in 1960. He began his career in private practice and served in the Nixon and Ford administrations before being appointed by President Reagan to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 1982 and to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1986. Scalia is the longest-serving justice on the court.

For more information about the Stevens Lecture, the Rothgerber Conference and other White Center events visit .

For more information about the Bench and Bar Conference visit .

Melissa Hart
Keri Ungemah, CU Law School communications, 720-984-0457