
  • March 14, 2018, Regent 302, 12:15-2:15 pm12:15 pm CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALLApproval of February Meeting SummaryChairs’ Report and Announcements - John Kelly and Mirinda ScottTreasurer’s Report - Philip BradleyHuman Resources Report –
  • February 14, 2018, Regent 302,12:15 to 2:15 p.m.12:15 pm CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALLApproval of January Mid-Year Retreat Meeting SummaryChairs’ Report and Announcements - John Kelly and Mirinda ScottTreasurer’s Report - Philip
  • January 10, 2018, Regent 302, 12:15 to 2:15 p.m.12:15 p.m. LUNCH: Get some food on your plate, find a place to sit, and get ready to say “here”12:20 p.m. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALLApproval of December Meeting MinutesThanks for all
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