Published: Feb. 25, 2021

John Gleason

John Gleason

John Gleason, trades operations manager for Facilities Operations and Services, is the new president-elect of the Rocky Mountain chapter of , a professional association dedicated to the operation, planning and maintenance of facilities in educational institutions.

The , or RMA, supports and supplements the national association’s activities and fosters a professional spirit among those engaged in this important work, especially as schools, colleges and universities work to address critical needs created by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Gleason will assume leadership of the RMA as president-elect in 2021 and serve as president in 2022. Formerly called the Association of Physical Plant Administrators––shortened to APPA––the professional association represents more than 18,000 educational facilities professionals from more than 1,300 learning institutions worldwide.

“What makes APPA/RMA so important to me is the focus on being a facilities professional by providing educational experiences, supporting research, and maintaining our environments in a sustainable manner conducive to student success,” he said. “APPA has a rich history dating back to 1914, and this vastness in knowledge, training, experiences and networking is critical in managing our institutions at the highest levels.” 

Given the pandemic, APPA members and chapter organizations face challenging times, and Gleason hopes to “bring back training opportunities to those in the facilities management field and to increase engagement in the APPA/RMA community.”

He will play a key role in making certain that APPA and RMA stay relevant in providing education, innovative resources, and networking opportunities to higher education facilities organizations.

“It is with great pride and honor that I am associated with an institution that not only values these principles of excellence but also is leading the way as we navigate the future,” Gleason said.