Publication TOC Graphic showing district connection map

Optimal environmental and economic performance trade-offs for fifth generation district heating and cooling network topologies with waste heat recovery

April 27, 2024


Energy model for a nonprofit building

The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering group receives $8 million from DOE's Renew America Nonprofits program

Dec. 4, 2023

RASEI Fellow Gregor Henze is a Co-PI on this five-year award

Publication TOC Graphic

A dynamic programming based method for optimal control of a cascaded heat pump system with thermal energy storage

Oct. 9, 2023


Publication TOC Graphic

Reinforcement learning building control approach harnessing imitation learning

March 28, 2023

ENERGY AND AI, 2023, 14, 100255

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Inverse Reinforcement Learning Control for Building Energy Management

March 5, 2023

ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2023, 286, 112941

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An optimization framework for the network design of advanced district thermal energy systems

June 8, 2022

Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 266, 115839

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A high-fidelity building performance simulation test bed for the development and evaluation of advanced controls

April 6, 2022

J. Building Perf. Simul., 2022, 15, 3, 379-397

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Multimodal sensor fusion framework for residential building occupancy detection

Jan. 29, 2022

Energy and Buildings, 2022, 258, 111828

AV名湿er working in the lab to build sensors

Affordable and accurate sensors to better understand residential buildings

Nov. 17, 2021

This publication from RASEI Fellow Gregor Henze describes new, affordable and accurate sensors to better understand energy use in residential buildings.