A Case Study of Tokugawa Japan through Art: Views of a Society in Transformation - Images
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Tokugawa Japan Online Image List:Woodblock Prints by Ando Hiroshige

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Use the links below to find the nine woodblock prints by Ando Hiroshige. Record your analysis on Handout T1.

  1. Click on the imageto enlarge
  2. Click on the imageto enlarge
  3. Click on the imageto enlarge
  4. Click on the image to enlarge

Images 1-5 are from the seriesThe Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō (Tōkaidō Gojusan no Uchi),1831-1834. Publisher: Takenouchi Magohachi (Hoeido). Format: Oban yokoye. Total 55 Prints. Images 6-9 are from the seriesOne Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Yedo Hiakkei),1856 - 1858. Publisher: Uoya Eikichi. Format: Oban tateye. Number of Prints: 120 (inc. Title Page and a replacement print by Hiroshige II).

Created © 2010 Program for Teaching East Asia, University of Colorado.