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“Sleeping Beauty.” Tales of Past Times Written for Children, Charles Perrault, illustrated by John Austen, New York: E.P Duttonand Co., 1923, pp. 19-30.

Tale Summary

Once upon a time, a King and Queen finally bear a daughter after desperately trying to have a child for years. They invite all the fairies they can find within their kingdom to be godmothers, and they all (7) attend the girl’s christening and later celebrations. One, very old, fairy was forgotten, and shows up during the feast, feeling slighted. Another of the fairies fears she will cast a curse upon the child, so she hides behind a curtain to see what can be done. Each fairy takes turns bestowing gifts of beauty and grace upon the princess until the old fairy declares that the child’s hand will be pierced by a spindle and that she will die of the wound. The fairy who was hiding now appears to counteract this, making it so that the girl will only sleep for one hundred years, at the end of which, a king’s son will wake her. The King orders all spindles destroyed, however, when she is 15 or 16, the princess meets an old woman who had never heard this, pricks her hand on her spindle, and falls into a deep sleep. The fairy who counteracted the curse hears the news and arrives in a dragon-drawn chariot, touching everyone in the castle, except forthe king and queen, with her magic wand to put them in a deep sleep as well. As a hundred years pass, people begin to forget the castle, in part because a thick hedge grows around it. One day, a prince was hunting nearby and asked the countrymen the story of the place, and one tells him how a beautiful princess has been asleep for one hundred years and waits for a king’s son to wake her. He pushes through the thicket into the castle, where he finds everyone, including the princess, asleep. He finds her to be very beautiful, and when she wakes up, they immediately fall in love and are married after supper (now that everyone else is awake, too). The next day, the prince returns to his father and tells him that he got lost, and so for two years, he lies to his parents even though he now has two children by the princess. His mother, the Queen, suspects that he has a lover, but the prince fears telling her the truth. This is because she is an Ogress, whom his father married for her riches, and she has an inclination to eat children. It is only when his father dies and he becomes lord and master that he openly declares his marriage. One summer, the king goes off to war and leaves the kingdom and the care of his wife and children to his mother, who brings them to a country house. She says to the clerk of the kitchen that she would like to eat the older child, named Morning, for dinner. The man is unable to kill the child and instead hides her, instead serving the Ogress a lamb. Eight days afterward, the Ogress demands the younger child, named Day. The clerk hides the little boy just like his sister. One evening, the Ogress says she would like to eat the young Queen. The clerk does not know how to deceive her, and approaches the Queen with a dagger, explaining what her mother-in-law requested. The young Queen encouraged him to do it so that she might again see her children, whom she thought must have died. The clerk explains that they are still alive and well-hid and that she will indeed see them again. Once again he deceives the Ogress. One evening, however, she overhears the children and their mother, and, figuring out she has been tricked, orders a large tub to be filled with toads, vipers, snakes, and other serpents, for the Queen, her children, the clerk, his wife, and his maid, to be thrown into. Just before their execution, the King returns home, and his Ogress mother throws herself headfirst into the tub.

Fairy Tale Title

Sleeping Beauty

Fairy Tale Author(s)/Editor(s)

Charles Perrault

Fairy Tale Illustrator(s)

John Austen

Common Tale Type

Sleeping Beauty

Tale Classification

ATU 410

Page Range of Tale

pp. 19-30

Full Citation of Tale

“Sleeping Beauty.” Tales of Past Times Written for Children, Charles Perrault, illustrated by John Austen, New York: E.P Duttonand Co., 1923, pp. 19-30.

Original Source of the Tale

Charles Perrault

Tale Notes

The ‘gifts’ given to the princess by the fairies are these: She is the most beautiful person in the world, she has the wit of an angel, she has a wonderful grace in all that she does, she dances perfectly well, she sings like a nightingale, she can play all kinds of music perfectly.

AVʪ and Curation

Kaeli Waggener, 2022

Book Title

Tales of Past Times Written for Children

Book Author/Editor(s)

Charles Perrault


John Austen


E.P Duttonand Co.

Date Published


Decade Published


Publisher City

New York

Publisher Country

United States




Public Domain

Digital Copy

Book Notes