
Paulson, Cindy1

1Brown & Caldwell

Today’s water challenges demand new ways of thinking. To be sustainable, we must be innovative, advancing new technologies as well as new ways of engaging with others to apply those technologies. Digital disruption and other market forces are driving emerging technologies along the classic “s-curve” (i.e., from R&D, to confirmation, to full-scale application) at record pace. At the same time, One Water - an integrated approach to managing finite water resources for long-term resilience and reliability, brings a new framework for engagement. Putting the two together - innovative technologies applied in a One Water framework – unleashes new ways to make a difference for our environment and communities. This presentation will describe the steps to develop a One Water framework, as presented in the Blueprint for One Water (Paulson et al, Water AVʪ Foundation), along with several example applications and relevant emerging technologies. The Bay Area Regional Reliability Partnership, where six urban water suppliers in the San Francisco Bay area formed a joint effort to improve water supply reliability for their 6 million customers, will be presented as a case study. Attend this session to learn how to formulate a One Water vison and bring it to reality, making a real difference for future water sustainability.