
From Competition to Cooperation: A Dyadic Approach to Interlocal Agreements

Oct. 16, 2018

*Minkoff, Scott L. 2013. “From Competition to Cooperation: A Dyadic Approach to Interlocal Agreements.” American Politics AVĂűĘŞ 41: 261-297. Read More


Networks, Context, and the Use of Spatially-Weighted Survey Metrics

Oct. 16, 2018

Makse, Todd, *Scott L. Minkoff, and Anand E. Sokhey. 2014. “Networks, Context, and the Use of Spatially-Weighted Survey Metrics.” Political Geography 42: 79-91. Read More

Struggle for Democracy

Struggle for Democracy, 2014 Election and Updates Edition

Oct. 16, 2018

Greenberg, Edward and Benjamin Page. 2015. "Struggle for Democracy, 2014 Election and Updates Edition." Pearson: New York. [Contributing Authors: *David Doherty, *Scott L. Minkoff, *Joshua Ryan] (Non-Peer-Reviewed Publication)


NYC 311 A Tract-Level Analysis of Citizen–Government Contacting in New York City.

Minkoff, Scott L. 2016. “NYC 311 A Tract-Level Analysis of Citizen–Government Contacting in New York City.” Urban Affairs Review 52.2: 211-246. Read More


Struggle for Democracy, 2016 Presidential Election Edition

Greenberg, Edward and Benjamin Page. 2017. Struggle for Democracy, 2016 Presidential Election Edition. Pearson: Hoboken, NJ. [Contributing Authors: *David Doherty, *Scott L. Minkoff, *Joshua Ryan] (Non-Peer-Reviewed Publication) Read More