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Tips to help students search for a job or internship

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Graduation and summer break will be here before you know it. While the job and internship search process can take months, students still have time to secure a position that aligns with their career goals and interests. Your student can launch their search by connecting to campus resources, getting organized and reviewing their accomplishments.Ìý

Career Services connects students to resources, workshops and career development advisors. Learn more about how to help your student plan for life after college, find opportunities and prepare for their next step.

Step 1: Develop a plan

College can be a busy time, and finding a job or internship adds to the workload. You can encourage your student to make a plan with specific action items and deadlines to keep them on track. The plan should include the essentials needed to start applying for jobs or internships. Getting organized will help maximize their effort. Plus, your student will make a better impression on hiring managers.

Step 2: Make a list of experiences and skills

There’s a disconnect between open positions and people with the skills and experience to fill those positions. If your student can articulate how their skills and experiences match the job requirements, they’ll have an advantage in the hiring process. Your student can take steps to enhance their skills.Ìý

  • Request a Skills Report to learn which skills are most in demand for the positions or industries that match their interests. Use the information to build a tailored list of skills for each type of job or industry.

  • There are also general skills that all employers value, regardless of industry. Review these foundational skills and find ways to build skills on campus.

  • Make a list of all relevant experience, including campus jobs, volunteer experiences, organization memberships, leadership positions and participation in sports, the arts or other activities.

Step 3: Create or update online profiles

How your student represents themself on professional profiles directly impacts their outcomes. We know it takes valuable time to create a great online profile. But a well-developed profile helps build a positive professional reputation. Sloppy or incomplete profiles can give a negative impression to recruiters and hiring managers.Ìý

For the best results, your student can create or update their online professional profiles. Career Services has resources to guide the process on how to develop an effective online presence.

  • Handshake is the top way college students find jobs. They can use these helpful steps to set up a profile.

  • A profile is vital for an effective job search. Not only does it establish a professional presence, but it allows students to search for jobs and connect with .

  • Build an online portfolio using to highlight their work and projects.

  • Create a Forever Buffs Network profile to join the online community of fellow Buffs.

  • Use the free photo booth in the Career Services office to get the perfect headshot to use for online profiles.

Step 4: Customize job search documents

Most job applications require a resume and cover letter. Your student can learn how to write an effective resume and persuasive cover letter.Ìý

  • Use VMock to get personalized feedback on their resume and make improvements.

  • Schedule an express appointment with a career development advisor to review their documents and ask questions.

  • Attend programs and workshops on resumes and job searching to ask questions and get more tips.

  • Upload their updated resume to their Handshake and LinkedIn profiles. VMock’s Aspire tool can also evaluate their LinkedIn profile and offer tips to make it stronger.

Step 5: Reach out to their network

During your student’s time at CU Boulder, they can build an extensive network through involvement in their area of study, internships, part-time jobs, organizations, activities, volunteer work and more. When they are ready to begin their job or internship search, they can connect with people in their network for support.

  • Reach out and share that they are looking for employment or an internship. Ask for recommendations and referrals to open positions or job opportunities.

  • Join the to start connecting with CU Boulder alumni, who can help with resume feedback and interview preparation. Some alumni may be open to informational interviews or mentoring.Ìý

  • Use to connect with others, learn about different industries and join conversations related to career interests.

Step 6: Work on interview skills

As your student searches for jobs or internships, they’ll also want to prepare for interviews. It’s best for students to practice for both in-person and virtual interviews. They can connect to tools from Career Services to hone their skills.

  • Use Interview Prep to practice answering commonly asked questions. The tool allows students to create custom practice interviews by adding general questions or questions tied to specific roles or industries. This tool records the responses for viewing or sharing with others.

  • Students can make an appointment with a career advisor to practice interviewing before their first interview with a potential employer.

  • Follow our tips for mastering an interview and making a positive impression.

Step 7: Start the job or internship search

Once they’ve created and updated their job search tools, it’s time to find open positions and apply. If your student wants to find a job or internship for summer 2023, they need a sense of urgency. However, they also want to be selective and focus on positions that interest them. They don’t want to end up in a position that isn’t a good fit. Here are ways your student can search for opportunities.

  • Find job postings on Handshake, and . Set up saved searches on these sites to learn about new postings that match their criteria.

  • Check industry-specific sites like , and .

  • Connect with recruiters at career fairs and events to learn about open positions and hiring timelines.

  • Use this to streamline the process.

As your student begins their search, career development advisors are available to help. Learn more about how your student can get started with Career Services.