Closeup view of chip

Popovic plays lead role in breakthrough microprocessor chip

Jan. 12, 2016

AVÃûʪers at the University of Colorado Boulder, in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), have developed a groundbreaking microprocessor chip that uses light, rather than electricity, to transfer data at rapid speeds while consuming minute amounts of energy.

Online info session on Oct. 26

Prospective graduate students: Join us for an online info session Oct. 26

Oct. 16, 2015

Join us for a free information session on graduate student opportunities in optics, nanostructures and bioengineering! The session at 1 p.m. MT on Monday, Oct. 26, will feature a brief presentation about the research activities of the group members, followed by a live question-and-answer session with several faculty members. To...

Student with Photo Origami project

Summer camp gives Boulder kids a taste of "Photo Origami" research

Aug. 12, 2015

Shrinky Dinks used to recreate shape memory polymer research being done on the nano scale in McLeod Group.

Artist rendering of implantable device

Device delivers drugs to brain via remote control

July 16, 2015

Jae-Woong Jeong constructs optofluidic implant that could make drug therapies more targeted with fewer side effects.

The Optibit team with their prize check

PhD student's startup takes home $275K MIT Clean Energy Prize

May 12, 2015

OptiBit's technology -- including research from Milos Popovic's lab -- helps data centers save 10% on energy use while also increasing performance.

Close-up of geometric diode

Moddel receives patent for new solar-cell technology

Oct. 15, 2014

The idea for Garret Moddel's most recent patent - his 30th - has been in the works for nearly as many years. Moddel, professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at CU-Boulder, was issued a patent in August for geometric diode, applications and method , a technology...

Jelena Notaros

Undergrad excited to be taking part in cutting-edge nanophotonics research

Sept. 17, 2014

Jelena Notaros, a third-year undergraduate student in electrical engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder, has always wanted to apply her enjoyment of mathematics and physics to solve important, real-world problems in technology. When she was invited last spring by Professor Milos Popovic to join his Nanophotonic Systems Laboratory as...

Chris Poulton

Student demonstrates first-of-its-kind photonics device

Sept. 16, 2014

As an undergraduate in CU-Boulder's Electrical, Energy and Computer Engineering department, Chris Poulton tried working in several labs before finding his calling designing silicon photonic devices in Professor Milos Popovic's Nanophotonic Systems Laboratory . "It's quite amazing that a lab in this field is here at CU," Poulton said. "There...

Brain scan

Gopinath grant will enable deep-brain imaging

Sept. 15, 2014

In order to understand diseases like Parkinson's, researchers need to look at individual neurons in the brain. However, with current techniques, nearly 75 percent of the brain is inaccessible. ECEE Assistant Professor Juliet Gopinath and her research team want to change that. They've received a $1 million grant from the...

Won Park

Beating bladder cancer, one nanoparticle at a time

April 15, 2014

Won Park was hoping the result of the in vitro bladder cancer experiment using his nanoparticle technology wouldn't just leave him seeing red.
