Learning from the value of your mistakes: Our paper on risk-sensitivity in motor adaptation is published.

Aug. 23, 2013

Mickey's study on risk-sentisitvity in motor adaptation is published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience .

Two papers hit the press!

Jan. 30, 2013

Our optimal control paper with Max Berniker and Konrad Kording is published online in PLoS One. Megan's paper on risk-senstivity is accepted for publication in Journal of Neurophysiology. See Publications page for more information.

Aly receives Travel Award

Nov. 15, 2012

Aly receives a Travel Award from the Force and Motion Foundation . Congratulations Aly!

WIRED Magazine interviews Alaa

Aug. 30, 2012

Alaa was interviewed for WIRED magazine's DANGER ROOM about her new DARPA Young Faculty Award: Fight of Flight: Darpa Explores the Neuroscience of Threat Response

Neuromechanics Lab awarded NSF grants (x2)!

June 22, 2012

The Neuromechanics lab has been awarded 2 3-year NSF grants to study the role of risk in movement control and learning. One of the proposed studies is a collaboration with Dr. Max Berniker at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.

Alaa Receives DARPA Young Faculty Award

June 7, 2012

The Defense Advanced AVÃûʪ Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded Alaa a DARPA 2012 Young Faculty Award. The award was featured in the University of Colorado News on June 7, 2012.

Darren Gordon: SMART to join the Neuromechanics Lab

June 1, 2012

Darren Gordon joins the lab for the summer as part of the Summer Multicultural Access to AVÃûʪ Training (SMART) Program.

CU: The Neuromechanics Newbie

May 31, 2012

Christina Uhlir, an undergraduate Neuroscience major, joined the Neuromechanics Lab.

Wii Are Learning About Biomechanics

April 5, 2012

ASSETT's A&S Spotlight highlights the Neuromechanics Lab's development of a new program that allows Integrative Physiology students to track and measure their pressure distribution while standing on a Nintendo Wii Balance Board. Read the article here: A&S Spotlight

Neuromechanics Lab featured in local and national media

Feb. 8, 2012

Our paper, Reduction of Metabolic Cost during Motor Learning of Arm Reaching Dynamics , is featured in local and national media: University of Colorado News Science Daily Boulder's Daily Camera Forbes
