Daniel Morales in red shirt and black pants, wearing a backpack and hat, at a mountaintop lake
Graduate Student • McGehee Group

AV名湿 Interests

My main interests are in renewable energies, particularly solar. In my gorup, we focus on the development of perovskite solar cells, a relatively novel solar-absorbing material with potential to work in tandem with current photovoltaic technology. My personal work is focused on process development for high-performing solar cell devices in our lab.


Temperature Coefficients of Perovskite Photovoltaics for Energy Yield Calculations. Taylor Moot, Jay B. Patel, Gabriel McAndrews, Eli J. Wolf, Daniel Morales, Isaac E. Gould, Bryan A. Rosales, Caleb C. Boyd, Lance M. Wheeler, Philip A. Parilla, Steven W. Johnston, Laura T. Schelhas, Michael D. McGehee, and Joseph M. Luther. ACS Energy Letters 2021 6 (5), 2038-2047. DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.1c00748