Karl Gustafson
Professor Emeritus • Ph.D. Maryland, 1965


Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, Functional Analysis, Financial Engineering, Linear Algebra.I have published now 270 papers and have wide interests in Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Select Publications:

  • Operator Trigonometry of Multivariate Finance, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 101 (2010), 374–384.
  • Slant Antieigenvalues and Slant Antieigenvectors of Operators, Lin. Alg. & Applic. 432 (2010), 1348-1362 (with M. Seddighin).
  • A Trigonometry of Quantum States, Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations–5 (A. Khrennikov, ed.), Amer. Inst. of Physics Conference Proceedings 1232 (2010), 72-85.
  • Experiences and Insights in Mathematical Finance, J. of Shanghai Finance University, No. 4 (2010), 35-41 (in Chinese).
  • On my Min-Max Theorem (1968) and its Consequences, Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 14 (2010).