
Angela has received a fellowship through the Center for the Study of Origins

Nov. 17, 2020

Angela will be starting her fellowship with the Center for the Study of Origins this spring. She will be working on a project examining immune gene variation in Black-capped and Mountain Chickadees using whole genome data for both species. Through this fellowship Angela will also be working with researchers across...

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Scott was recently elected as an American Ornithological Society Fellow

Nov. 12, 2020

Scott is honored to have recently been elected as a Fellow by the American Ornithological Society (AOS)! From the AOS: "Fellows are chosen for eminence in ornithology and must, at the time of their election, be Elective Members of the society in good standing. Thus, AOS Fellows are recognized for...


New collaborative paper in Nature!

Nov. 11, 2020

This paper is a large international project is co-led by University of Copenhagen, China National Genebank at BGI-Shenzhen, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Rockefeller University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and includes researchers from across the globe, including the Taylor lab. In this study, researchers established a...


Mia wins a Halloween door decorating contest!

Nov. 1, 2020

Fall is definitely in the air - the trees are changing color and it's feeling cooler outside. For Mia, the highlight of fall is Halloween and to keep up spirits during these challenging times, she wanted to celebrate it properly: by decorating! Mia entered her apartment complex's Halloween door decorating...

Erik Funk

New paper in Systematic Biology on rosy finches led by Erik

Sept. 28, 2020

Erik, Scott, and collaborators Garth Spellman (Denver Museum of Nature and Science), Kevin Winker (University of Alaska), Jack Withrow (University of Alaska), Erika Zavaleta (University of California Santa Cruz), and Kristen Ruegg (Colorado State University), recently published some of their work on rosy-finches in Systematic Biology. This work uses whole...

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Sheela receives a talk award!

Sept. 15, 2020

Sheela was awarded the Mark E. Hauber Award for best oral presentation on avian behavior at the virtual NAOC 2020 meeting. Her talk was entitled “Assortative mating by plumage coloration genes in an incipient avian radiation” and covered exciting findings from her work on capuchino seedeaters.


Welcome Mia Larrieu!

Aug. 20, 2020

Mia Larrieu, a graduate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will be joining the Taylor lab as a NSF Graduate AVʪ Fellow and PhD student this fall. Prior to starting her PhD in our lab, Mia spent a few years as a field research assistant on some really interesting...

Chickadee nest box

An update from the field!

May 29, 2020

Despite operating on a smaller scale than usual (to avoid COVID-19 spread), the second year of the Boulder Chickadee Study is going strong with almost 50 nests! Cori, master data wrangler, has managed nearly 1200 data submissions from community scientists on chickadee breeding, Kathryn is in the midst of banding...

Scott gave a virtual talk

Scott gives virtual plenary address at the 2020 Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium hosted by the University of Guelph

May 14, 2020

Scott recently had the pleasure of giving one of three plenaries at the 2020 meeting of the Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium (held virtually) hosted this year by Scott's alma mater the University of Guelph. This graduate student organized conference has been running for almost 50 years and features...

Chickadee Nest Box in the Snow

2020 chickadee field season

April 16, 2020

In spite of several big snowfalls in the past week, chickadee breeding in Boulder is off to a roaring start. Thanks to community scientists monitoring 118 Boulder backyard boxes, we've identified 7 newly constructed chickadee nests, 23 excavated boxes, and one complete white-breasted nuthatch nest with 2 eggs in Boulder,...
