Baiduc, R.R., Lee, J., Dhar, S. (2014). 鈥淭oward a test battery for differential categorization of age-related hearing loss.鈥 JISHA, 28(2), 25-40

Sept. 30, 2014

Age鈥憆elated hearing loss (ARHL, or presbycusis) results from neural and/or cochlear degeneration. A taxonomy distinguishing presbycusis subtypes according to site of lesion was originally proposed by linking audiometric results to histopathological findings. In most cases, the pathology is complex and audiometry and word recognition scores (WRS) are insufficient to characterize...

Baiduc, R.R., Lee, J., Dhar, S. (2014). 鈥淪pontaneous otoacoustic emissions, threshold microstructure, and psychophysical tuning over a wide frequency range in humans.鈥 J Acoust Soc Am, 135(1), 300-14.

Jan. 30, 2014

Hearing thresholds have been shown to exhibit periodic minima and maxima, a pattern known as threshold microstructure. Microstructure has previously been linked to spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) and normal cochlear function. However, SOAEs at high frequencies (>4 kHz) have been associated with hearing loss or cochlear pathology in some reports...

Baiduc, R.R., Poling, G.L., Hong, O., Dhar, S. (2013). 鈥淐linical measures of auditory function: The cochlea and beyond,鈥 Dis Mon, 59(4), 147-56.

March 16, 2013

Hutchinson, K.M., Alessio, H., Baiduc, R.R. (2010). "Association between cardiovascular health and hearing function: pure-tone and distortion product otoacoustic emission measures," Am J Audiol 19, 26-35.

June 1, 2010

<p>In this study, the association between cardiovascular health/fitness and hearing health/auditory sensitivity was examined by using pure-tone audiometry and distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Purpose: A reduction in hearing sensitivity is often considered to be a normal age-related change. Recent studies have revisited prior ways of thinking about sensory changes over...