Published: April 15, 2021
Photo of Pratik Tolani

Pratik Tolani is a CU Boulder graduate who is currently gaining experience while onPost-CompletionOptionalPracticalTraining (OPT). ISSS reached out toPratikto ask about the type of training he is doing and how post-completion OPT has helped himgain practical training in hismajor field of study (MechanicalEngineering).  ISSS is excitedto spotlightPratik’sexperience and advice for other F-1 students who might be planning to apply for Post-Completion OPT aԻ STEM OPT. 

Pratikisworking as aTechnical Analyst atwhichcreates successful energy management programs and effective IT solutions for utilities and their partners.When asked about the type of projectsPratikis working on, he said, “I amworking closely with team members who manage multiple utility programs like learning the details of theDemand Responseprogram integrations and interactions with the grid. Additionally, I am working with the team on reporting and visualizations usingRStudio(a data analysis tool)to analyze and improve program functionality and outcomes. My duties directly utilize the skills and knowledge I acquired from my coursework and degree in renewable energy.

Before applying for OPT,Pratikwishesheknewabout the power ofnetworking. Pratik says that he gained a lot frominformational Interviews, networkingon LinkedIn, conferences,and guidance from professionalsinhisfield as opposed to just online applications asthey arescreened byapplicant tracking systems.Pratik encourages students toinstead aim for the unadvertised hidden jobs.

When seeking OPT authorization and applying for hiscurrent position,Pratikstated, “It wasdefinitely smoother than Iexpected.I appliedfor positions onlineand emailed professionals from the company. I alsoset up aninformationalinterview call with the company's CEO to get the gist of thecompany(always have thoughtful and unique questions ready for any interview).After the call with the CEO, I hadinterviews with 2-3 employees from the company to check for cultural/skill fitthateventually ledto an offer letter.” ISSS wants to remind students that the Career Services Office at CU Boulder is a valuable connection for students in their career pursuits.  

Pratik’sadvice to a student applying for OPT is, “AVʪ your industry as there are certain websites that are more effective for getting a job and focus on those. I will not deny the difficulty we face as international students, but it's all worth it in the end.” ISSS is here to help support each of our F-1 students who wish to pursue OPT. Students can and should take advantage of ISSS resources, workshops, and advising opportunities to understand the application process, reporting requirements, and status maintenance requirements associated with an OPT authorization.  

Pratikwants others who are applying for OPT to, “Strive for progress not perfection. Always challenge yourself for you will be surprised by what you can achieve through sheer determination and hard work.”Furthermore, Pratik reminds students that OPT isa very good chance to gain practical experience through interaction with industry leaders and experts in your field. Make the most of it!

F-1 students are eligible to apply for post-completion OPT after they have completed all degree requirements or after completion of all coursework (excluding thesis or dissertation credits). The first day that F-1 students can apply for OPT is 90 days before the last day of enrollment in the final semester. The last day F-1 students can apply is 60 days after the last day of enrollment.

ISSS is proud of our students who are engaging in practical training. If you’d like to be featured in our OPT Spotlight Series in the future, please fillout