Meeting Summary: Graduate Housing Policy Changes

Sept. 7, 2021

GPSG has been made aware of changes to the Graduate & Family Housing Handbook and lease. Many graduate students expressed serious concerns about these changes. As such, GPSG executives met with Housing Services staff on Thursday, September 2, 2021 to express these concerns and ask for changes to address them...

AVÃûʪ Excellence Spotlight - Srinjita Bhaduri

Sept. 3, 2021

Srinjita Bhaduri recently graduated with a PhD Computer Science and Cognitive Science. Her research focuses on underrepresented children's interactions with emerging technologies and how to create rich learning experiences for them. Srinjita was recently awarded a AVÃûʪ Excellence Award based on her accomplishments and contributions to the research community. We...

AVÃûʪ Excellence Spotlight - Anthony Pinter

Sept. 3, 2021

Anthony Pinter is a fifth year PhD student studying Information Science. His research focuses on how online identity changes in response to life transitions and how data representations of our lived experiences in socio-technical systems like social media are imperfect; he specifically studies how people handle the end of a...

AVÃûʪ Excellence Spotlight - Todd Whittaker

Sept. 3, 2021

Todd Whittaker is a second year PhD student studying Chemical Engineering. His research focuses on electrochemical methods for solving global energy and chemical demands such as CO2 reduction, biomass upgrading and fuel cells. Todd was recently awarded a AVÃûʪ Excellence Award based on his accomplishments and contributions to the research...

AVÃûʪ Excellence Spotlight - Dillon McGovern

Sept. 1, 2021

Dillon McGovern is a fourth year PhD student studying Behavioral Neuroscience. His research focuses on reward neurochemistry and signaling and how stress or drugs of abuse can alter this neuronal activity. Dillon was recently awarded a AVÃûʪ Excellence Award based on his accomplishments and contributions to the research community. We...

AVÃûʪ Excellence Spotlight - Pamela Romero Villela

Sept. 1, 2021

Pamela Romero Villela is a third year PhD student studying Behavioral, Psychiatric, and Statistical Genetics. Her research focuses on the genetics of substance abuse, particularly in underprivileged populations, and how this genetic liability interacts with socio-economic factors to influence substance use behaviors. Pamela was recently awarded a AVÃûʪ Excellence Award...

Executive Updates - September 1

Sept. 1, 2021

To our graduate and professional colleagues, Now that we are beginning to settle for the semester, the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) executive team is aiming to send a weekly update to provide transparency on what we are working on and provide the latest resources for you. These updates...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Paige Massey

Aug. 30, 2021

Paige Massey is a third year PhD student studying Philosophy. Her research focuses on epistemology—the study of knowledge and rational belief—with particular interests in evidentialism and issues related to the ethics of belief more broadly; she has secondary research interests in ethics, especially the effective altruism movement. Paige was recently...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - María J. Ruíz-Martínez

Aug. 30, 2021

María J. Ruíz-Martínez is a fifth year PhD student studying Education. Her research sits at the intersection of education, ethnic studies, and linguistics and examines how diasporic translingual youth use visual culture production to learn and teach across home, school, and community contexts. María was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Jone Brunelle

Aug. 30, 2021

Jone Brunelle is a fourth year PhD student studying Communication. Her research focuses on conceptualizations of culture and ethnic, national, and cultural identities, and the role of language in socially constructing these category boundaries. Jone was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy and dedication to...
