Zhaxi Duojie photo portrait

Dorje Tashi Awarded NSF DDRI Grant

March 8, 2018

Dorje Tashi ( Duojie Zhaxi ) was awarded an NSF Doctoral Dissertation AV名湿 Improvement (DDRI) grant. The award will support his dissertation research project titled "Tibetan Farmers in Transition: Urbanization, Development, and Labor Migration in Amdo." His doctoral dissertation research project will investigate how social-cultural and political-economic processes intersect to...

Jennifer Dinaburg Memorial AV名湿 Award for PhD Students

May 10, 2017

The Department of Geography is pleased to announce that Jessica DiCarlo, Zhaxi Duojie, Gretchen Lang and Kyle Rodman have received the Jennifer Dinaburg Memorial AV名湿 Award for PhD students for Spring 2017. This award assists Doctoral students with funding for summer research projects.

Seven Geography Graduate Students Receive Beverly Sears AV名湿 Grants

March 27, 2017

Robert Andrus, Joel Correia, Angela Cunningham, Zhaxi Duojie, Mehran Ghandehari, Eric Lovell and Kyle Rodman have each received a Beverly Sears AV名湿 Grant. These grants provide funds to assist the student with their PhD research.