Ian Rowen wins NSF IGERT grant for research in China

March 17, 2011

Ian Rowen has won a grant from the University of Wisconsin, Madison's Integrative Graduate Education and AVÃûʪ Traineeship (IGERT) Program "Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Southwest China" funded by National Science Foundation. The grant will fund Rowen's summer research on ecotourism in northwestern Yunnan. See "UW Madison's IGERT China...

Ian Rowen wins Critical Language Scholarship in Indonesian

March 17, 2011

Ian Rowen has won a scholarship to study Indonesian during Summer of 2011 at Universitas Negeri Malang in Malang, Indonesia through the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program at the US Department of State. Indonesian will help Rowen continue his research on the political and sociocultural impacts of tourism in Asia...

Ian Rowen Receives Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship

Aug. 16, 2010

Ian received the Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for academic year 2010-2011.
