Dear Faculty Relations̀ư– Do you have any practical strategies to move our faculty hiring practices forward and not simply engage in a performative check-off practice? - Seeking Meaningful Inclusive Hiring̀ư

Dear Seeking –̀ưBeing proactive with your leadership role, combined with your understanding of inclusive search methodologies, is essential for moving from performative outcomes toward impactful outcomes. To have a positive impact and grow your inclusive search skillset, consider the following resource-rich approaches, which can assist you in actualizing your department’s commitment to enhancing our campus’ diversity and excellence.

  • Request a live discussion (in-person or virtually) with recruiters who have expertise in inclusive search strategies and who have helped guide campus faculty to develop processes and strategies to increase the diversity of their applicant pools and increase diversity among hires; contact Dave Pacheco or Teresa Hernandez to set up meeting/training/consultation. Highly recommended for all faculty serving on a search committee, who are new to the campus, or seeking a refresher.
  • Sign up to take the Faculty Diversity Search and Hiring Committee Guidance 45-minute online course for anyone involved in voting on faculty hires.
  • Seek out Human Resources’ accompanying Faculty Diversity Search Process templates and tools – these serve as your guide in the ever-evolving landscape of faculty recruitment.̀ư

We encourage you to check out our resources, contact us, and we can help guide you through the process.̀ư

Written by TeresàưHernĂ¡ndez, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Recruitment Program Manager, Human Resources, October 2023.