Congratulations: Tommy

April 5, 2023

I'm overjoyed to announce that Thomas Lee Dearing has just passed his thesis defense with flying colors. Dr. Dearing is the first member of the ROCC team to graduate and has asked whether the ski and hike trips remain open to former members (to which the answer is, obviously, "Yes!")...

Ski Day 2023

Feb. 15, 2023

I'm pleased to say that our annual Ski Day tradition is still going strong: join us on Saturday, March 18th at Loveland Ski area with skiis, snowboard, or whatever other contraption you wish to use to fly down a snowy slope at (moderately) high speed. The format will be the...

Welcome: Quinton

Oct. 12, 2022

It is my pleasure to welcome Quinton Corry into our team. Quinton will be spearheading a teaching-centirc project for the development of new take-home experiments for the undergraduate class ECEN 2260: Circuits as Systems . Since Quinton is currently a student in the class, he is uniquely positioned to provide...

Welcome: Jasleen

Aug. 22, 2022

As the ROCC lab continues to dip its toes into quantum control, I am happy to welcome Jasleen Batra as our new Undergraduate AVÃûʪ Student. Jasleen will help the transition our Quantum Control research from theory to practice by implementing the proposed control law on an FPGA in András Gyenis...

Welcome: Victor

Aug. 16, 2022

It is my pleasure to welcome Victor Freire Melgizo as the newest member of the ROCC lab. Victor is joining us from the University of Wisconsin Madison, where he designed and implemented path planning algorithms and control barrier functions on UAVs as part of his master's thesis. Here in Boulder,...

Hike Day 2022

July 20, 2022

It's been a hot summer, so for this year's hike I suggest going somewhere cool. So on August 20th, the System and Controls group is heading over to St. Mary's Glacier. We'll have breakfast at the base of the glacier and then head up to the top (bring microspikes!) to...

Input Saturated Output Admissible Set

Computation of Input-Saturated Output-Admissible Sets

June 20, 2022

Maximal Output Admissible Sets (MOAS) are the set of all initial states and references such that the output response is always constraint admissible . Introduced in [1], the MOAS holds a special place in constrained control theory and is often used in strategies such as Model Predictive Control and Reference...

Control Moment Gyroscope

Constrained Satellite Reorientation with Control Moment Gyroscope

March 31, 2022

This article illustrates our group's most recent progress in developing an optimal path planner for rigid-body spacecraft rotations using Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMG's). This work improves upon our previous project by incorporating fully-modelled spacecraft actuators and addressing all of the fascinating complexities they add to the optimization problem. Above is...

Ski Day 2022

Feb. 15, 2022

As things begin to go back to normal, the System and Controls group has opted to resume our tradition of a joint ski day. Join us at Loveland Ski Area on March 5th, 2022. We'll break up based on experience and meet back up for a communal lunch.

Congratulations: Terry

Feb. 1, 2022

I am very proud to announce that Terrence Skibik has been selected for a summer internship at the Mitsubishi Electric AVÃûʪ Laboratories . MERL is a cutting edge industry research laboratory that has made many major contributions to the field of constrained control. This fellowship will not only enable Terry...
