Students holding their art work

CU Boulder’s Elementary Arts Lab imaginings new ways to teach science

July 31, 2023

Founder Emma Antonio – a chemical and biological engineering postdoc – wants children to see science in the world around them and believes the arts provide an access point for exploration and experimentation.

Shape-shifting display

3D display could soon bring touch to the digital world

July 31, 2023

The device at CU Boulder is made from a 10-by-10 grid of soft robotic “muscles” that can sense outside pressure and pop up to create patterns. It’s precise enough to generate scrolling text and fast enough to shake a chemistry beaker filled with fluid.

Aditi Bhaskar with the Flatirons blurred behind her.

CU Boulder investigates potential effects of urban water conservation on streamflow in western US

July 27, 2023

It’s widely recognized that reducing lawn irrigation is essential for water conservation, particularly in water-scarce regions like the western United States. Associate Professor Aditi Bhaskar is studying a lesser-known consequence of irrigation efficiency: the potential reduction in streamflow, which could have implications for urban stream health, recreation and downstream users.

The team pushes their car toward the racetrack starting line

Teamwork propels Racing Team to top 20 in national Formula SAE competition

July 24, 2023

Put on by the Society of Automotive Engineers, the FSAE competition challenges students to design, build and race a car, all while adhering to a strict set of rules and guidelines that encourages them to create unique and innovative designs within those constraints.

Boulder, Colorado aerial view

Five CU Boulder engineering faculty recognized with Fulbright Scholar Awards in 2023

July 24, 2023

Fulbright Scholar Awards are prestigious and competitive fellowships that provide unique opportunities for scholars to teach and conduct research abroad.

Wil Srubar

Wil Srubar named as nominee for 2023 Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award

July 24, 2023

Srubar is part of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering and the Material Science and Engineering Program at CU Boulder. His lab conducts major research into biomimetic and living materials that have the potential to drastically reduce environmental pollution caused by construction activities around the globe.

John Zhai measures air quality community members in Indonesia in Dec. 2022

CU Boulder professor receives Fulbright for holistic approach to indoor air quality

July 21, 2023

Professor John Z. Zhai, an expert in building systems engineering and indoor air quality (IAQ) at CU Boulder, has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to address indoor air quality (IAQ) in affordable housing in hot and humid climates. Zhai’s work will focus on not only the technical aspects but also the influence of cultural practices.

Duong Nguyen

New membrane filtering technology at CU Boulder could help address water scarcity issues

July 21, 2023

AVĂűĘŞers at CU Boulder have developed a new membrane water filtration system based around air bubbles that can help address water scarcity issues around the world.

Luis Navarro

CU Boulder scientist advancing space weather research with major NASA grant

July 19, 2023

Luis Navarro has earned a four-year, $700,000 NASA Heliophysics grant to investigate how space weather – coronal mass ejections and other activity from the sun – changes the ionosphere and thermosphere at low latitudes near the equator.

Dan Larremore

Professor accepts prestigious Erdős–Rényi Prize in network science in Austria

July 14, 2023

Dan Larremore's recognition makes CU Boulder the only institution in the world with multiple Erdős–Rényi awardees.
