New Meeting Location: B_ECNW-150A (located in the new Engineering Success Hub)

  1. Welcome [2 min]
    • Welcome New Members:
      • Hope Michelsen, Associate Professor (EVEN)
      • Mirela Alistar, Assistant Professor (ATLAS)
    • Welcome New Officers:
      • Natasha Ouellette, ICC Vice Chair & Chair, Governance Committee
      • Katie Morgan, Treasurer ()
  2. Engineering Residential Community (Will Vill) - Scot Douglass, Faculty Director and Laura Arroyo, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Transitions and Academic Partnerships [20 min]
    • Overview of the Engineering Residential Program
    • Q&A
  3. Overview of CEAS DEI Plan - Fabiola Mora, CEAS DEI Consultant [10 min]
  4. Discussion of DEI Goals & Actions [50 min]
    • :
      • Faculty & Staff Merit Evaluations
      • URM Graduate Student Recruitment & Undergraduate Performance (Equity) Gap
  5. Iranian protests - Mehraasa Marizad [5 min]
  6. Open Dialogue (Local DEI Committees Goals/Initiatives/Needs) [5 min]
  7. Action Items:
    • Invite Alisha Stewart, senior director of Engineering HR to our November member to provide information about annual staff performance evaluations.
    • Share departmental by completing the Google form.
    • Use for DEI educational items, conference registration, student support, etc.
    • New members share a photo and brief bio with Natasha for the ICC website update.
  8. Next Meeting:
    • Ben Weihrauch will be invited to present data and findings on CEAS first gen student success.