Retiring faculty

Best wishes to retiring faculty

Dec. 1, 2021

Please join us in recognizing our faculty who retired recently and learning more about their next steps. What are you excited about in retirement? Julie Andrew, CU Teach master teacher : “I’m excited to do new things. I will be attending the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism, and I can’t...


What we're reading

Dec. 1, 2021

A quick look at the recent books from our faculty and community.

students in class


Dec. 1, 2021

Brief updates about what’s new in the School of Education Inaugural cohort of BA graduates working on the forefront of social change The CU Boulder School of Education conferred its first Bachelor of Arts degrees in and elementary education this May. Launched in 2017, both pathways support emerging leaders interested...

Kathy Schultz

Welcome to Voices, volume 4

Dec. 1, 2021

Come dream with us This new school year has been different from any other I (and I suspect most of us) have experienced. Although the school year always signals new beginnings, this year there was a heightened sense of beginning again. We returned to campus as a school for the...

Lianna Nixon

Force of nature

Dec. 1, 2021

Lianna Nixon’s lens on the natural world is changing education and environmental activism Lianna Nixon is an environmental photographer and activist, but on Earth Day 2020 she was not thinking about marches or demonstrations. That day she found out whether she still had her spot on the world’s largest polar...

Toni Christiansen

Interweaving education and international development

Dec. 1, 2021

Toni Christiansen bursts through barriers and advances U.S. diplomacy Toni Christiansen (Edu’70) enrolled at CU Boulder with two dreams: to become a teacher and an international diplomat. The impressive career that followed has been a dream come true. As a teacher in a small mountain town, she arranged out-of-state and...

Stephanie Toliver

Dreaming of new worlds

Dec. 1, 2021

Stephanie Toliver celebrates Black women in science fiction and beyond Stephanie Toliver was an undergraduate studying English education in Tallahassee, Florida, when she discovered a book that changed her life. The novel was Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. Published in 1993, the science fiction story follows a young...

Seeking stories

Seeking stories

Dec. 1, 2021

Jen stood in front of her class of ninth grade students at the beginning of our study and asked, “How many of you feel like you’re in charge of writing your own stories? The story of your life?” Students sat in small groups. A few hands went up, but most...


Daring to dream

Dec. 1, 2021

Amid a pandemic and beyond, educators reimagine the future of K–12 schools There has been no such thing as a “normal” year of teaching for up-and-coming educator Diana Bustamante-Aguilar, and she sees that as a good thing. As a student teacher, she joined the masses of educators who protested before...

Ed Talks Robyn

Ed Talks to explore of place, identity, family, the body, romance and more on Dec. 2

Nov. 19, 2021

On Thursday, Dec. 2, the School of Education at CU Boulder will host a special virtual gathering of Ed Talks, an intersectional exploration of place, identity, family, the body, romance and more. Inspired by TED Talks, CU Boulder’s Ed Talks are short, engaging talks that address some of today’s most pressing issues in education and beyond, including various ways of working toward collective liberation.
