Parametrizations of the 21-cm Global Signal and Parameter Estimation from Single-Dipole Experiments

Dec. 1, 2015

Geraint J. A. Harker, Jordan Mirocha, Jack O. Burns, Jonathan R. Pritchard

Interpreting the Global 21-cm Signal from High Redshifts. II. Parameter Estimation for Models of Galaxy Formation

Nov. 1, 2015

Jordan Mirocha, Geraint J. A. Harker, Jack O. Burns

Selection Between Foreground Models for Global 21-cm Experiments

Feb. 23, 2015

Geraint J. A. Harker

Decoding the X-ray Properties of Pre-reionization Era Sources

June 16, 2014

Jordan Mirocha

Interpreting the Global 21-cm Signal from High Redshifts. I. Model-Independent Constraints

Oct. 21, 2013

Jordan Mirocha, Geraint J. A. Harker, Jack O. Burns

Optimized Multi-frequency Spectra for Applications in Radiative Feedback and Cosmological Reionization

Aug. 20, 2012

Jordan Mirocha, Stephen Skory, Jack O. Burns, John H. Wise

An MCMC Approach to Extracting the Global 21-cm Signal During the Cosmic Dawn from Sky-Averaged Radio Observations

Dec. 16, 2011

Geraint J. A. Harker, Jonathan R. Pritchard, Jack O. Burns, Judd D. Bowman

Probing the First Stars and Black Holes in the Early Universe with the Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE)

Oct. 25, 2011

Jack O. Burns, J. Lazio, S. Bale, J. Bowman, R. Bradley, C. Carilli, S. Furlanetto, G. Harker, A. Loeb, J. Pritchard
