Published: April 22, 2019

In November, the College of Engineering and Applied Science celebrated the 10th anniversary of the BOLD Center, our award-winning program to support women and minorities in engineering.

The celebration at a Boulder art gallery brought 170 students, alumni and staff together to celebrate BOLD and the two programs it brought together—the Multicultural Engineering Program and Women in Engineering Program, which were started in the 1970s and ’80s, respectively. 

“Some of our students used to have to choose between belonging to MEP or WIEP, or they would have to split their time in two places,†said Beverly Louie, former director of WIEP.
“BOLD solved that. In the BOLD Center, our students can embrace all of their identities as whole individuals.â€

Earlier in 2018, BOLD was honored by the Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity as its Program of the Year. CoNECD is a forum for exploring current research and practices to enhance diversity and inclusion of all underrepresented groups in the engineering and computing professions.Â