When Bob Bruner (PolSci’60; MBA’63) was 10 years old, he met Dr. G.P. Kuiper and looked at Mars through the largest refracting telescope in the world. The experience hooked him, but a “D” in physics lab at CU Boulder dashed his scientific hopes — until his later life. For three decades, he’s served as a volunteer in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science’s space sciences department, and has been a member of the Mars Society space advocacy group since 2001. Several years ago, Mars scientist Dr. Steve Benner invited him to contribute an exhibit to the Gordon, Texas, Origin of Life conference. Bob’s exhibit on meteorites and minerals associated with life’s beginnings was then shown to 650 scientists at the NASA International Mars Conference. “Thus began a comeback 57 years in the making,” Bob said. As a result of his work, Bob was invited to the final landing site meetings for the NASA Mars 2020 rover in Pasadena, California, and the ESA Exomars 2020 rover in Leicester, United Kingdom. Bob’s name is listed on a paper about looking for life on Mars, slated for publication in the journal Astrobiology.

Posted Jun. 1, 2020

Jane Weil Romberg (Edu) was selected as the 2021 recipient of the Hazie Werner Award in Steamboat Springs for her service to the community over the last 55 years. The award is given each year to a Yampa Valley, Colorado, woman who represents the legendary Hazie Werner’s legacy of volunteer work, community commitment and support of local organizations. Jane moved to Steamboat from Denver in 1966.

Posted Jul. 2, 2021

Last November, 1958 Miss America winner Marilyn Van Derbur (Engl’60) sold her Miss America crown for $20,000 and donated the money to teachers. In a press release on her website, , Marilyn said, “It can help at a time when teachers need help. I wondered why someone didn't do something for them and then I realized I am somebody!” A sexual abuse survivor, Marilyn is a motivational speaker regarding sexual abuse healing. She has also released a book and documentary, Miss America by Day, telling her story.

Posted Mar. 11, 2022
